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EGT Reads: Giants Of Iniquity, Read By Michelle Silveira

EGT Reads: Giants Of Iniquity, Read By Michelle Silveira

Our next episode of EGT Reads takes us to San Francisco. Author Jason Covington is the writer of “Giants of Iniquity: A San Francisco Omen.” The story is a satire and commentary on the state of San Franciso and the country. If things in the story sound ludicrous or downright crazy, it’s meant to be. Here you will find religion, spirituality, ghosts, aliens, and the supernatural. Read by Michelle Silveira, various chapters of the story are read in this podcast episode.

Author Bio

Photo Credit: Jason Covington

“Jason Covington is a modern allegorist whose writing examines American cultural and political extremism. Covington earned a Bachelor’s degree in creative writing at Pepperdine University and later a Master’s degree in literature from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. [He] has taught writing at eight colleges and universities since 1993.

Covington grew up in Silicon Valley when computer technology was in its infancy when his dad worked for Apple Computer, pre-IPO. [He] has had his own successful career working in technology. His interest in spiritual phenomena, combined with his observations about living in San Francisco, led to the epic tale, Giants of Iniquity: a San Francisco Omen. Covington has previously published another novel, American BeheMouth, another allegory about America and what it has become.

Covington’s prose is light and easy to read, full of humor and insight. Covington hopes the questions he raises will give us self-revelation for positive change and not backward steps toward regurgitated totalitarian solutions.”

From the author’s website

Where Can I Get A Copy?

You can buy a physical or Kindle copy of the book through this link

Listen To Giants Of Iniquity

EGT Reads: Giants Of Iniquity, Read My Michelle Silveira EGT Reads

"Giants Of Iniquity" is written by Jason Covington, read by Staff Writer Michelle Silveira. "Giants" is a satire that takes place in San Francisco. The story pokes fun at modern paranormal and supernatural activities, while also commenting on the state of the city and the country.  If you would like to get a copy of "Giants," visit this link. 
  1. EGT Reads: Giants Of Iniquity, Read My Michelle Silveira
  2. EGT Reads: Kanaka, read by Michelle Silveira
  3. EGT Reads: Between Will And Surrender
  4. EGT Reads: The Secret Garden
  5. EGT Reads: We The People: A Story of Internment in America, read by Michelle Silveira

About The Author

Jennifer Ip

Jennifer Ip is our Staff Writer. Jennifer is a writer and small business owner in Elk Grove. She and her husband run a dog walking business together, and she also holds a Bachelor's degree in English. She has four years of publishing experience in different areas of writing: education, marketing, and blogging. Jennifer loves a good book, homemade food, and cuddling up with her dogs.

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