2021 Redistricting In Elk Grove

What is redistricting and how does it affect us in Elk Grove? These are two very timely questions to ask in light of the fact that 2021 is a redistricting year. But what exactly is redistricting? Every ten years California cities like Elk Grove redraw the lines that divide different political districts. The same is true for our state, as well as every state in the country. In fact, thirteen states have now finalized their newly redrawn district maps.
Why is Redistricting Important?
Redistricting can affect who represents your neighborhood at city hall, the Capitol (Sacramento), and/or Congress. It can affect whose district you’re in, as well as which neighborhoods vote together. The entire process usually happens right after a new census.
Last week, California released public drafts of the maps with redrawn political districts. The 2020 California Citizen’s Redistricting Commission drew the new maps. Most importantly, the newest drafts of the district maps impact the City of Elk Grove.
Elk Grove Redistricting
The new drafts with redrawn California districts impact who represents parts of Elk Grove. For example, Elk Grove is currently represented by Ami Bera in the U.S House of Representatives. Under the new draft maps he loses Elk Grove, which is picked up by Rep. Jerry McNerney. Bera also loses Rancho Cordova, which under the draft maps, Rep. Doris Matsui picks up.
In addition, Bera picks up new areas to represent. Unlike in past elections, it remains to be seen if Bera can still win (and/or win as big) in a district like the one proposed. His last close race came some five years ago against Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones.
Redistricting also occurs at the City level. Shown below are the City Council district maps Elk Grove uses now. Elk Grove City Council adopted these maps back in 2011. City Council adopted the same maps again last year ahead of the 2020 elections. According to Elk Grove’s redistricting website, the City issued a request for proposals for redistricting services on November 4th. Bids are due by Friday, December 3rd at 4 PM.

The City of Elk Grove will be conducting Redistricting based on 2020 Census data starting in January 2022.

A Request for Proposals will be issued in November 2021, with a due date for early December, and outreach is anticipated to commence starting January 2022.
Learn more about redistricting in Elk Grove at https://www.elkgrovecity.org/city_hall/city_government/city_council/redistricting.
Sacramento Redistricting
The City of Sacramento created the Sacramento Independent Redistricting Commission, also known as SIRC, in 2020. SIRC includes 13 members, known as commissioners. SIRC meets publicly on a monthly basis.
For our Sacramento readers, you can submit your own thoughts on the Sacramento redistricting process at https://www.cityofsacramento.org/Clerk/Services/Redistricting/Comments. Learn more about Sacramento redistricting at http://www.cityofsacramento.org/redistricting.