Election Results: Sacramento County Ballot Measures

Measure A
“A “yes” vote supported approving the Sacramento County Transportation, Maintenance, Safety and Congestion Relief Act of 2022 – Retail Transactions and Use Tax Initiative, including a 0.5% sales tax, to improve roads and air quality. A “no” vote opposed approving the Sacramento County Transportation, Maintenance, Safety and Congestion Relief Act of 2022 – Retail Transactions and Use Tax Initiative, including a 0.5% sales tax, to improve roads and air quality.” (Source: https://ballotpedia.org/Sacramento_County,California,_Measure_A,_Roads_and_Air_Quality_Sales_Tax_Initiative(November_2022)) 55.81% voted no while 44.19% voted yes. Measure A failed to be voted through by a majority of voters.
Measure B
“A “yes” vote supported establishing special taxes on gross receipts from marijuana and hemp businesses to fund homeless services. A “no” vote opposed approving the Sacramento County Transportation, Maintenance, Safety and Congestion Relief Act of 2022 – Retail Transactions and Use Tax Initiative, including a 0.5% sales tax, to improve roads and air quality.” (Source: https://ballotpedia.org/Sacramento_County,California,_Measure_B,_Marijuana_Tax_for_Homeless_Services_Measure(November_2022) 53.37% voted yes while 46.63% voted no. Measure B was voted through by a majority of voters.
Measure D
“A “yes” vote supported allowing the county of Sacramento and cities within the county to develop housing for low-income people and families equal to 1% of current housing units in the county. A “no” vote opposed allowing the county of Sacramento and cities within the county to develop housing for low-income people and families equal to 1% of current housing units in the county.” (Source: https://ballotpedia.org/Sacramento_County,California,_Measure_D,_Low-Income_Housing_Measure(November_2022) 60.59% voted yes while 39.41% voted no. Measure D was voted through by a majority of voters.
Measure E
“A “yes” vote supported authorizing an additional sales tax of 1% with revenue dedicated to general A “no” vote opposed authorizing an additional sales tax of 1% with revenue dedicated to general purposes.” (Source: https://ballotpedia.org/Sacramento_County,_California_ballot_measures#2022) 54.07% voted yes while 45.93% voted no. Measure E was voted through by a majority of voters.