4Kids.com Launches New Events Platform On Their Website

Local company 4Kids.com recently launched their new events platform on their website. The new interface is cleaner, faster loading, with the ability to filter events by city, age, category, cost, venues, organizers, day, and time.

There are recurring events. Also, the new events platform offers a variety of viewing modes including photo, list, month, week, and map. It is now easier to spot events and people can rsvp to an event right on the website. There is even built in event ticketing for local events. Best of all, local businesses can submit their event for free at zero cost to their company. Furthermore, the events platform offers virtual events and Zoom integration. You can check it out HERE.


About 4Kids.com
4Kids.com is an online resource guide for families with children in the Sacramento area which allows parents to have all the information they need at their fingertips. There is an app available in the Apple Store or Google Play. For those who own a business or would like to be listed, they can do so for free by submitting their information. Through the app, available to users are Events, Things to Do, Schools & Activities, and Camps. Find local Deals & Discounts, Sports, Resources, Special Needs and School Events too. There is an entire category dedicated to children with Special Needs.