Called To Serve: Who Is District 4 Candidate Sergio Robles?

Elk Grove Planning Commissioner, Sergio Robles is running for the District 4 seat on the City Council in the November general elections, which would replace current city council member Stephanie Nguyen.
Robles was appointed to the planning commission on October 2020. Additionally, he currently serves in the United States National Guard, an aide to Congressman Ami Bera, and committee member for various non-profit organizations.
The Tribune had a chance to speak with Robles about his thoughts on several policies, and what his visions are for the city of Elk Grove.
Creating Positive Change
When we asked Robles what inspired him to run for City Council, he said he has always felt called to public service.
“I have always felt the call to serve and create positive change in my community. It is a privilege to serve as a soldier in the CA Army National Guard, a city Planning Commissioner, and field representative in the office of Congressman Ami Bera. Our city is a place where people can live, work, and thrive as a community.
“As a planning commissioner, I have voted to approve residential and commercial projects that will add housing options and create room for business growth. I have proudly voted to grow our bicycle, pedestrian, and trails that make our city great. As a congressional field representative, I have worked with small business owners, nonprofits, community members, and others as a conduit to secure access to city grants and other federal funding. “
I am running for city council for my neighbors, nieces, nephews, family members, friends, and more as we strive to continue to create a community to raise our families, support small businesses, and strengthen the vibrant community we call home. We can do this together and I am asking for your support.”
Smart Growth in a Growing City
There is no denying that Elk Grove is growing exponentially. To that end, Robles made several remarks on what he feels the city needs more of. He makes it clear through his work that his passion is to serve the people of the community.
“I would like to make sure that we grow in a smart manner. Our city is growing at a fast rate,
and I want to ensure we have opportunities for affordable housing and first-time home buyers,” Robles said.
Elk Grove is a city that welcomes people from all walks of life, and we must provide amenities
that help build community and get people buying local.
Improving opportunities for small businesses to open and succeed is a top priority of mine.
Increasing sports and recreational opportunities, like soccer fields and bike trails, is another huge
Taking Accountability
Policies surrounding crime and homelessness are typically addressed during election season- as they should be. But in addition to those issues, Robles feels there are other pressing issues that need attention. Interestingly, Robles said that he would like to see the city take more accountability with its trees.
“One policy I’d like to change revolves around an issue I’ve come across several times on the planning commission. Over time, tress that have been planted next to homes will eventually cause damage to the sidewalks or even the homes themselves. The homeowner ends up footing the bill for cost of the damage. I feel the city should pay for this or at least a portion of the cost, since the homeowner was not at fault for the damage. I also will continue working with development and project managers to encourage planting more trees that are less likely to do this damage.”
As mentioned before, Robles is associated with a number of non-profit organizations throughout the Sacramento region. He sits on the City of Refuge board, and actively involved with the Elk Grove Food Bank. In addition, Robles is part of the Florin Road Partnership Foundation, and serves on the NeighborWoods Committee of the Sacramento Tree Foundation. Robles has also recently become a Rotarian with Sacramento Rotary.
“The City of Refuge Sacramento is a non-profit organization that works with women who are victims of sex trafficking, and assault. They also help individuals experiencing homelessness, and at-risk youth. Women and children are housed with wrap around services, and offered job training and personal development programs. I’ve been involved with the City of Refuge Sacramento for a few years now and love their mission.”
“I’ve been involved with the Sacramento Tree Foundation in a number of projects throughout Sacramento County. I also sit on the NeighborWoods Committee. My involvement sort of began as a challenge from Congressman Bera. I addressed the lack of tree canopy in underserved areas of the county with him, and then organized a community tree planting. Most recently, I was involved in a community tree planting at Toby Johnson Elementary where we planted over 200 trees.”
Elk Grove Planning Commission
When we asked Robles about his role as Elk Grove Planning Commissioner, he feels that working for the the city has given him the opportunity to learn more about the nuts and bolts of the city. Moreover, serving on the commission gives him an advantage, and he feels it qualifies him to do the work.
“I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve Elk Grove on the Planning Commission. I have learned a lot about the city’s General Plan. Additionally, the inner workings of housing projects, and commercial and recreational needs for a community. I voted to create over 750 affordable housing units, and many single-family homes. I have also helped to increase opportunities for small business growth.
One of the most important aspects of the commission is listening. There are many people that care about the future of Elk Grove and it’s been an amazing experience getting to work with the community.”
To learn more about Sergio Robles and his campaign visit https://roblesforelkgrove.com/