Terry Hearn At Zehnder Ranch Elementary Wins 2022 Elk Grove Education Superhero Award

On Friday April 15, Mayor of Elk Grove Bobbie Singh-Allen and Huntington Learning Center Owner Bonnie Tam, proudly awarded Terry Hearn, the custodian of Zehnder Ranch Elementary the 2022 Education Superhero Award. The brief ceremony occurred in front of the entire student body. In total, over 1,300 people voted from the community.
Terry Hearn
Terry Hearn is clearly loved by his community, and the staff and students of Zehnder Ranch Elementary School. That is to say, Mr. Hearn, as he is called by students, has many superpowers. First of all, he is always supporting students and staff, working tirelessly to ensure a clean & safe campus. Also, he is always laughing and brightening everyone’s day. Moreover, he is a student favorite. Above all, Mr. Hearn always issues challenges to push students to be their best! Important to note, he incentivizes students to reclaim their items from the lost and found by doing push ups for every item claimed. Certainly, this makes an otherwise tedious chore into something that the students actually look forward to. Congratulations Terry Hearn! Thank you for lifting up our community!


From The Mayor of Elk Grove
It was heartwarming to be invited to Zehnder Ranch Elementary School to recognize their custodian Mr. Hearn as Huntington Learning Center Elk Grove’s Educator of the Year. He was awarded the recognition during their Friday Assembly.
As a former school board trustee, I was overjoyed to be back on campus at EGUSD and the school I helped open. Listening to the children in their young voices recite the Pledge of Allegiance made my day.
The highlight of course was celebrating their school custodian who inspires the students everyday with his positivity, and love. The parents, teachers, and students all selected him as their superhero.
Custodians along with others in education can have a tremendous impact on students. I remember connecting with my school custodian when I was in the 6th grade. He made this little immigrant girl feel like she belonged. I remember helping Larry mop the floor in the school cafeteria when my parents refused to let me attend 6th Grade Camp. Most young Indian girls and others from different cultures had strict parents and limited over night opportunities in my days. I helped him mop and he was kind and sweet and reminded me it was ok not attending camp. He said I would have my whole life ahead to see and do things. I remember when he passed away when I was in high school and cried. Today made me think of him as we honored Mr. Hearn.
Congratulations Mr. Hearn. Your school loves you.
Mayor of Elk Grove Bobbie Singh-Allen
From Terry Hearn
Y’all are doing great with your kids–just keep up the good work!
Terry Hearn, 2022 Elk Grove Education Superhero Award Winner