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Black Youth Leadership Project Candidate Forum Connects Youth To Local Politics

Black Youth Leadership Project Candidate Forum Connects Youth To Local Politics

Election season is here, and Election Day (Tuesday, June 7th) is right around the corner. This year young people in Sacramento have a chance to shape the future of Sacramento politics.

On Saturday, April 30th from 2 PM – 4 PM, Black Youth Leadership Project is hosting a Candidate Forum. What makes this candidate forum different? We (grown-ups) often talk to politicians about what we want for our children when elections come around, but rarely do our children get to speak for themselves. Unlike other forums, this event focuses on the issues that matter to young people. In addition, candidates will take questions from local youth. This is a special chance for candidates to meet the next generation of voters.

This virtual event is free and open to the public. All area youth are invited, as well as all candidates for Sacramento area political offices. Invitations to the event have been extended to local schools as well. Click here to register for the event. Make it a family affair. Kids of all ages are welcome.

Local candidates are welcome too. If you’re running and want to attend the event, sign up at!

Black Youth Leadership Project (BYLP) will host a Candidate Forum on Saturday, April 30, 2022.  All candidates (in the Sacramento County region) on the California June 2022 Primary ticket, are invited to participate in this educational event. This forum will be held virtually beginning at 2 PM (PST) and ending at 4 PM (PST). The purpose of the Candidate Forum is to give BYLP youth an opportunity to hear candidates discuss the issues of importance to them in this election. This event is free and open to the public.  The candidates will answer questions directly from the BYLP youth and others during this moderated event.

Youth Voting

According to the U.S Census Bureau, almost one in five Sacramento County residents are under the age of 18. Although you can only vote if you’re over 18, you can register to vote if you’ll be 18 on or before Election Day. In addition, 16 and 17-year olds can pre-register to vote if they are:

Huntington Learning Center
  1. United States citizens.
  2. California Residents.
  3. Not in prison for a felony.
  4. Not deemed mentally incompetent by a court.

Early voting starts on May 9th. So expect campaign ads and events near you. To register or preregister to vote, visit

About BYLP

BYLP was established in 1999 as a non-profit and non-partisan educational organization dedicated to developing California’s next generation of public policy leaders. ​Since its inception, BYLP has served over 3,500 students and has helped make the Capitol and its Black staff more accessible to our youth and community.

Learn more about BYLP at

Christopher Parkhurst

About The Author

Lisa Stanley

Lisa Stanley is an auditor, business owner, and a local organizer. She inspires and empowers women through fitness to find their inner and outer strength by focusing on the mind and body.

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