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EGT Reads Madam In Silk By Gini Grossenbacher, Elk Grove Novelist

EGT Reads Madam In Silk By Gini Grossenbacher, Elk Grove Novelist

Welcome to our second episode of EGT Reads! This time around we are featuring an Elk Grove novelist and teacher, Gini Grossenbacher. In this episode of EGT Reads we are reading an excerpt from her book Madam In Silk. The story follows female protagonist Ah Toy. Unfortunately, on her way to San Francisco, her husband dies on the voyage. Then she finds out that the job promised to her and her husband has suddenly vanished. What are her prospects now?

Photo Credit: Gini Grossenbacher

This is Grossenbacher’s second historical fiction novel. Incredibly, Madam in Silk won Finalist for Historical Fiction in the 2020 National Indie Excellence Awards and was the Runner Up in Genre Fiction at the 2020 San Francisco Book Festival awards.

She is also a fiction copyeditor and leads an inspiring writers group called Elk Grove Writers and Artists, providing lessons and coaching in novel writing, memoir, poetry, and flash fiction. When she’s not writing, Gini can be found
taking long walks, tending the roses in her garden, and barbecuing with her husband and beloved dog, Murphy Brown. She is represented by publicist Cristina Deptula at Authors Large and Small.

From the back of Madam In Silk

Where Can I Get A Copy?

You can purchase your own copy of Madam in Silk from Amazon. Click on this link to purchase a paperback or Kindle copy. You can also visit Grossenbacher’s website for more information.

Listen to Madam In Silk

EGT Reads: Giants Of Iniquity, Read My Michelle Silveira EGT Reads

"Giants Of Iniquity" is written by Jason Covington, read by Staff Writer Michelle Silveira. "Giants" is a satire that takes place in San Francisco. The story pokes fun at modern paranormal and supernatural activities, while also commenting on the state of the city and the country.  If you would like to get a copy of "Giants," visit this link. 
  1. EGT Reads: Giants Of Iniquity, Read My Michelle Silveira
  2. EGT Reads: Kanaka, read by Michelle Silveira
  3. EGT Reads: Between Will And Surrender
  4. EGT Reads: The Secret Garden
  5. EGT Reads: We The People: A Story of Internment in America, read by Michelle Silveira
Christopher Parkhurst

About The Author

Jennifer Ip

Jennifer Ip is our Staff Writer. Jennifer is a writer and small business owner in Elk Grove. She and her husband run a dog walking business together, and she also holds a Bachelor's degree in English. She has four years of publishing experience in different areas of writing: education, marketing, and blogging. Jennifer loves a good book, homemade food, and cuddling up with her dogs.

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