Elk Grove City Planning Commission Rejects California Northstate Hospital

On Thursday, the Elk Grove Planning Commission voted 3-0 to reject the proposed California Northstate University Hospital. The topic has been a huge contention point between the university and residents near the proposed site. The hospital would have been the first hospital in the city of Elk Grove, including a helipad.
The facility was planned to be a 730,000 square-foot building with 400 hospital beds. Additionally, the hospital would include an outpatient building, a medical building, a helipad, and two parking structures.

Opponents To The Hospital
There is a colorful history between residents in Stone Lake and the university staff. When California Northstate University was built, many residents were furious with the location. Since then, many Elk Grove citizens have kept a close eye on the organization. When California Northstate University proposed the hospital, many residents were appalled. Citizens were concerned with the noise and pollution the hospital would bring. Indeed, the facility would have cast a large shadow over certain neighborhoods. Another concern was the hospital’s closeness to the Stone Lakes National Wildlife Refuge.
The Reasoning Behind The Rejection
“A Planning Commissioner’s #1 duty is to ensure that the project before them aligns with the General Plan and aligns with the land uses in any given community. For me, this project has far too many unavoidable impacts and the harm it would have in this community and the environment far outweigh the potential benefit.
This project is aspirational and would be iconic for Elk Grove but this location is not the right fit.”
— Planning Commissioner Mackenzie Wieser