In Loving Memory of Suzanne Marie Wood, 73, of Elk Grove

September 3, 1949 – October 7, 2022
Born Suzanne Marie Foster, on September 3, 1942, to Alton and Marietta Jarreau Foster of New
Orleans, Louisiana. Suzanne was the eldest of eight children. When Suzanne was just a young child her
family moved from Louisiana to Los Angeles, CA where she continued to reside during her formidable
and early adult years.
While living in Los Angeles, she met her loving husband Norman Wood, who she affectionately called
“Wood’ due to her distaste of his first name. Married in 1974, they eventually moved to Elk Grove, CA in
1978 where they remained and raised their family.
Suzanne was the beloved mother of Kevin, Brian, Lauren, Marcellus and Valerie. She was also proud
grandmother of Veronica, Allison, Bailey, Aidan and Aria, as well as over 25 daycare children whom
lovingly referred to her as “Nana.” She is further survived by her four brothers’ Alton, Jerome, Keith and
She is predeceased in death by her son Kevin, sisters’ Deborah, April and Terri and parents Alton and
Suzanne lived a full life as a wonderful mother, daycare provider and worker in the telecommunications
sector. She loved to craft – coloring and making cards and art projects with her daughter Lauren and
grandchildren. She enjoyed watching silly Western shows and cheesy Sci-Fi movies; playing endless
games of Scrabble with friends and spending long hours in her garden. But most of all she loved being
surrounded by her family and close friends. A natural nutrturer, Suzanne spent over 20 years caring for
over two dozen children, extended family members and more. She was the rock you leaned on and the
shoulder you cried upon. She was love personified.
She will be dearly missed and forever in our hearts.