Jaclyn Moreno To Run For Sacramento County Board Of Supervisors

Jaclyn Moreno, Cosumnes CSD Director, is running for the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors. Specifically, she is running for the District 5 seat. Generally speaking, the board takes care of many city-related affairs. The County Board of Supervisors supervisors and enables the county of Sacramento to function. Also, the election will take place in November 2022.
Currently the District 5 seat is held by Don Nottoli. Nottoli has held the seat since 1994. District 5 oversees Galt, Elk Grove, Rancho Cardova, Isleton, and other parts of Sacramento. Terms run for four years and there are no term limits.
Moreno won her seat for Cosumnes CSD Director in 2018. Since winning her position she has worked on parks, recreation, and building up the firefighting departments. It is unclear how many terms Moreno intends to run if she does win the position.
What Does The County Board Of Supervisors Do, Exactly?
For those that are not familiar with the occupation, this is the statement from the Sacramento County website:
The Board of Supervisors is the governing body of the County and a number of special districts. Within the limits of state law and county charter, the Board is empowered to adopt ordinances, establish programs, levy taxes, appropriate funds, appoint certain officials, and zone property in the unincorporated area. In addition, members of the Board represent the County on numerous intergovernmental bodies.
The five members of the Board are elected on a non-partisan basis to serve four-year terms and there is no limit on the terms that members can serve. Each is elected from one of the five supervisorial districts of the County. Supervisors from Districts 1, 2 and 5 are elected in gubernatorial election years (2006, 2010, etc.) while supervisors from Districts 3 and 4 are elected in presidential election years (2004, 2008, etc.). District boundaries are adjusted after every federal census to equalize district population.