Moreno Unveils Women’s Health Plan And Calls Out Hume in Sacramento County Supervisor Race

The candidates for Sacramento County Supervisor’s Fifth District continue to butt heads over a woman’s right to choose.
On Oct. 5, Jaclyn Moreno said she has a plan to help women get the health care they need. She also framed Pat Hume as an “out of touch” candidate who needs to talk about his views on abortion.
“I’m tired of politicians in our country and locally ignoring the needs of women. Now, more than ever, we need pro choice candidates at all levels of government to fight for continued access.”
– Jaclyn Moreno
Hume: The state’s law is not changing
Moreno’s comments drew a written response to the Tribune from Hume. The Elk Grove City Councilman said Moreno is making “false claims.” He added that winning the election will not impact access. It is, he wrote, the law in California and Sacramento County. He did not come out for or against a woman’s right to choose. In a written statement Hume said:
“This is an important issue personally and nationally, but county supervisors don’t make those decisions. Reproductive health care decisions are matters for a woman, her doctor and her faith.”
-Council member, Pat Hume
The Board of Supervisors, however, is one of the area’s largest health care fundraisers. To that end, the board can and should protect women’s health care, Moreno said. In June, the board gave the nod to a $7.3 billion budget for the fiscal year. It set aside more than $707 million for Health Services.
A path forward for women’s health


Moreno’s “Women’s Health is Public Health” plan looks at stronger safety measures and prepares clinic staff for greater patient numbers. It would expand services in areas where clinics don’t exist.
Ensuring a safe environment
Moreno wants the county to adopt an anti harassment law similar to the one adopted by the City of Sacramento. It created “buffer zones” to prevent people from bothering or scaring others entering or leaving a clinic. She said the board also needs to provide resources and training on the California FACE Act. This makes it a Federal crime to use force to keep a person from health care services.
Preparing for more patients
Abortion is illegal or limited in at least 15 states. This has led to out of state patients coming to California, an increase of more than 800 percent, Moreno said. As bans increase, California could see a near 3,000 percent increase in out of state patients. At least eight other states have laws that clear the way for a ban or limit access. Moreno said a special task force could quickly respond to patients.
“We must ensure that nobody is turned away due to capacity issues.”
-Jaclyn Moreno
Expanding options
If elected, Moreno wants to put more health clinics and provide abortion services in South Sacramento County. There are currently none. She wants to develop remote options where a patient can connect online with a health care provider.
A full care program approach
Moreno wants people to recognize there’s much more to a care program. It also includes both prenatal and postnatal care, access to birth control and education. Moreno added that the county should continue funding the “Black Child Legacy Campaign” as the program can also work with clinics to fund health education in every community.
District 5 includes Elk Grove, Galt, Wilton, Rosemont, Mather, Rancho Cordova, and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta community. Moreno and Hume want to succeed Supervisor Don Nottoli, who is not running again, but supports Hume for his spot. Moreno, board president of the Cosumnes Community Services District, finished second to Hume in the June primary.
Hume wrote he would focus “100 percent” on safer neighborhoods, affordable housing and the homeless crisis. Moreno said a candidate can focus on core community needs and quality of life. But they should also be “honest with voters” about a major health care issue.
“It’s simple. I’m doing it,” she said. “Why can’t Pat?”
For more information
Learn more about Pat Hume’s campaign at https://pathume.com/
.Learn more about Jaclyn Moreno’s campaign at https://www.jaclynforsupervisor.com/