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Sacramento Board of Supervisors Candidate Jaclyn Moreno Holds 2 Meet & Greet Events In Elk Grove

Sacramento Board of Supervisors Candidate Jaclyn Moreno Holds 2 Meet & Greet Events In Elk Grove

Cosumnes Community Services District Board President Jaclyn Moreno recently held two meet and greet events in Elk Grove, in an effort to reach out to the local community. The first meet and greet was hosted by Dr. Jacqueline “Jax” Cheung at Chason’s Crab Stadium on May 2, 2022. The second event was hosted by Dr. Winnie Tam Hung on May 10, 2022, at A Seat At The Table Books.

Central to Moreno’s campaign are her resolve to tackle the issues of homelessness, drug rehabilitation, mental health issues, social equity, climate action, and budget accountability in our community.

Sacramento County Board of Supervisors Candidate Jaclyn Moreno speaks to supporters.
Photo Credit: Marissa Johnson

District 5 Supervisor Don Nottoli has chosen not to run for re-election. Thus, his seat is up for grabs. In what’s sure to be a hotly contested seat, Cosumnes CSD Board President Jaclyn Moreno, Elk Grove City Council Member Pat Hume, former Mayor of Elk Grove Steve Ly, and former Elk Grove Unified School District Trustee Alex Joe have all joined the race. However, the candidates greatly diverge in terms of the causes each has chosen to underscore in their respective campaigns.

May 2, 2022 At Chason’s Crab Stadium

Chason’s Crab Stadium owners Peter Phong & Ronnie Lim, with Sacramento County Board of Supervisors Candidate Jaclyn Moreno, Elk Grove Tribune Editor Marissa Johnson, and Elk Grove Tribune Editor-In-Chief Dr. Jacqueline “Jax” Cheung

At the May 2 event at Chason’s Crab Stadium, attendees were treated to gumbo, garlic noodles, salad, a fruit and vegetable plate, and a cheese charcuterie plate. Outside of the venue, a lively vendor’s fair took place, highlighting local Asian vendors. Niyama Design Studio, Tiny Soap Diary, Hella Halo, Kiss Meh Boutique, and Blush by Mae were a few of the vendors included.

During the event, Dr. Jacqueline Cheung, the Editor-In-Chief of Elk Grove Tribune, spoke about why people should vote for Jaclyn Moreno. She explained that Jaclyn supports causes such social equity, climate action, and budget accountability.

Huntington Learning Center

“Why should you vote for Jaclyn Moreno? Jaclyn promotes an inclusive community where everyone, including the LBGTQ population and people of color are welcomed and honored. Jaclyn is a champion of budget accountability, climate action, and social equity. Above all, she will follow through with her promises and won’t abandon a cause just because the election is over. Jaclyn fights for people of color. She isn’t afraid to show up even if she’s the only Caucasian person in the room. She doesn’t just go out and say, “I’m Jaclyn Moreno and I’m President of Cosumnes CSD.” She always asks, “How can I help?”

Finally, Jaclyn was the first friend who called me when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. She called and asked me how she could help and she has never left my side and is still here. I know that Jaclyn will give that same amount of care and compassion when she is elected to serve on the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors.”

Dr. Jacqueline “Jax” Cheung, Editor-In-Chief of Elk Grove Tribune

Courtney Meek, a mother of three children, mentioned that she felt that it was important to support Jaclyn because Jaclyn understands the importance of maintaining good mental health. Jaclyn also understands the importance of supporting single Moms like herself.

“I can tell from talking to Jaclyn that she really cares about our community. Certainly, I think that if she is elected that she will really help make sure that less people fall through the cracks in terms of mental health and drug use. Also, Jaclyn seems to empathize with single Moms like myself.”

Courtney Meek
Photo Credit: Jaclyn Moreno for Supervisor campaign


Huntington Learning Center

May 10 At A Seat At The Table Books

The event on May 10 at A Seat At The Table Books was hosted by Dr. Winnie Hung. Attendees were treated to carrots, celery, pita chips, and hummus, with two varieties of iced tea served as well.

Emily Autenrieth, the owner of A Seat At The Table Books, introduced Jaclyn Moreno. She explained that she met Jaclyn through the Editor-In-Chief of Elk Grove Tribune. Jaclyn spoke to her when she needed some advice on how to advocate for her autistic son.

“It is EXTREMELY important for the sake of our planet and our marginalized community members that we elect Jaclyn for Supervisor. Sac County Supervisors control a $7,000,000,000 budget and have vast impacts on the lives of people in our area, as well as on climate policy that has far-reaching implications. This campaign is also important to me because of Jaclyn’s career as a school psychologist and her leadership on gender equity issues. Jaclyn has advocated for the human rights of people with disabilities and of neurodiverse people for years. We appreciate her track record of social justice in this area.”

Emily Autenrieth, owner of A Seat At The Table Books

During the event, Dr. Winnie Tam Hung spoke about collaborating with Jaclyn Moreno through Elk Grove EDGE group. Above all, Dr. Hung realized that Jaclyn Moreno actually creates plans of action to make concrete changes in our community.

“As a member of Elk Grove EDGE (equity, diversity, gender empowerment) coalition and a parent in the community, I support Jaclyn for supervisor because I’ve seen her lead by listening and learning. She’s first and foremost a working mom and mental health provider. I know she takes the time to learn about the many issues facing our communities.  She has a compassionate and forward-thinking approach that focuses on helping address the root causes of violence and crime,  rather than simply enforcement and punishment.”

Dr. Winnie Tam Hung, PhD

Jaclyn Moreno herself spoke and answered a variety of questions. Two of the issues she highlighted included homelessness and drug use. She explained how she had a relative whom her family could never seem to find a place to be treated at when he was ready to be treated. Important to note, Moreno resolved to make a difference in the programs developed to handle homelessness and drug use in our community.

Jaclyn Moreno explained that budget accountability and climate action are also on her list of causes dear to her heart. She explained that there is a 7 billion dollar budget overseen by the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors. Whoever is elected to fill the seat Jaclyn is running for, has a large role to play in our community. She is worried that if certain candidates are elected that some causes such as homelessness, drug rehabilitation, social equity, and climate action may be swept under the rug.

A Seat At The Table Books owner Emily Autenrieth, Sacramento County Board of Supervisors Candidate Jaclyn Moreno, and Elk Grove Tribune Editor-In-Chief Dr. Jacqueline “Jax” Cheung
Photo Credit: Dr. Jacqueline Cheung

From Sacramento County Board of Supervisors Candidate Jaclyn Moreno

“When people hear our message about reinvesting back into the community – in mental healthcare, substance abuse support, and services for the homeless in our community, they are sold! I am so grateful to all the folks in the community who have come forward, had events, and helped spread our message.”

Sacramento County Board of Supervisors Candidate Jaclyn Moreno

If you are looking to support or wish to find out more information on Jaclyn Moreno, please visit Jaclyn For Supervisor.

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Elk Grove Tribune

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