Asian Real Estate Association of America Sacramento Chapter Holds 10th Installation Gala

AREAA Sacramento Chapter 2019 Executive Officers & Board of Directors
Front row: CPA/Bookkeeper Wendy Voo, Treasurer Vaneesa Lam, 2nd VP/ Community Outreach Chair Jasmin Nguyen, Membership Director LuAnn Shikasho, President Samantha Tov-Weissensee, VP/Secretary Malyna Phan, BOD Greg Hobiera, BOD Stéphanie Ammons, Advisory Board Member Padi Goodspeed, & Advisory Board Member Gloria Gregor
2nd Row in Back: BOD John Lanting, BOD Tai Le, Advisory Board Member Manny Delgadillo, BOD Danny Kwon, Advisory Board Member Terrence Aquas, & Parliamentarian Randall Hom
Photo Credit: Bob Henry Photography
Installation Gala
The Asian Real Estate Association of America Sacramento Chapter held their 10th Installation Gala at Wellspring Dim Sum & Chinese Restaurant this past Friday evening. The lively event, entitled “Crazy Rich Eating” included the installation of AREAA Sacramento Chapter’s Executive Officers and Board of Directors, a twelve course meal, karaoke, a photo booth, a prize auction, music, and dancing.
Notable attendees included City Council Members Darren Suen and Stephanie Nguyen.

Vice President and Secretary Malyna Phan, Sterling McNeal, 2nd Vice President and Outreach Chair Jasmin Nguyen, & President Samantha Tov-Weissensee
Photo Credit: Bob Henry Photography
In the beginning of the event the new 2019 Executive Officers and Board of Directors were installed. The 2019 AREAA Sacramento Chapter Executive Officers & Board of Directors are:
President – Samantha Tov-Weissensee
VP/Secretary – Malyna Phan
2nd VP/ Community Outreach Chair – Jasmin Nguyen
Membership Director – LuAnn Shikasho
CPA/Bookkeeper – Wendy Voo
Treasurer – Vaneesa Lam
Parliamentarian – Randall Hom
BOD – Greg Hobiera
BOD – Stéphanie Ammons
BOD – John Lanting
BOD – Tai Le
BOD – Danny Kwon
Advisory Board Member – Padi Goodspeed
Advisory Board Member – Gloria Gregor
Advisory Board Member – Manny Delgadillo
Advisory Board Member – Terrence Aquas
Afterwards, AREAA Sacramento Chapter President Samantha Tov-Weissensee, Vice President and Secretary Malyna Phan, and 2nd Vice President and Community Outreach Chair Jasmin Nguyen led a majority of the night’s festivities. This included selling tickets for the prize auction and attempting to get attendees to sing karaoke. The tickets sold for the prize auction raised money to benefit the victims of the Camp Fire which devastated the town of Paradise. During the night, over $2000 was raised.

Gary Kessler with his prize
Photo Credit: Bob Henry Photography
A full twelve course Chinese meal was served. Some of the meal’s highlights included lobster, honey walnut shrimp, steamed chicken with ginger scallion sauce, and braised beef with vegetables. While the meal was being served a few brave AREAA members got up to sing karaoke, including Vice President Malyna Phan, who sang and impressive rendition of Colors of the Wind.

Front row: Sacramento Unified School District Board Member, Darrel Woo, OCA Sacramento President Jinky Dolar, 2nd Vice President and Community Outreach Chair Jasmin Nguyen, Jacqueline “Jax” Cheung, Nikki Nguyen, & Mia Lam
Back row: City Council Member Darren Suen, Joy Yip, & Lynnda Tran
Everyone in attendance seemed to enjoy the food and the festivities. Towards the end of the night, the deejay put on dance music and people migrated from the tables to the dance floor.

Photo Credit: Bob Henry Photography
The event, according to AREAA Sacramento Chapter President Samantha Tov-Weissensee, was completely sold out. With a sold out event, great food, lively entertainment, and the fact that over $2000 was also raised for Camp Fire victims, the 10 annual Installation Gala could definitely be considered a great success.

Photo Credit: Bob Henry Photography
The Asian Real Estate Association of America is non-profit “professional trade organization dedicated to promoting sustainable homeownership opportunities in Asian American communities by creating a powerful national voice for housing and real estate professionals that serve this dynamic market.” ** There are 39 chapters and 17,000 members across the United States and Canada. AREAA is the largest Asian organization in North America.
AREAA Members help to advocate for policies that grow and improve homeownership within the AAPI community. In addition, they often participate in community service events to benefit the local Asian Pacific Islander community. Free education courses are offered to members. Plus, members have the benefit of being able to come together and learn from each other’s experiences.
If you are interested in joining Sacramento Chapter of AREAA or would like more information, you can contact them at sacramento.areaa@gmail.com.
**excerpted from www.areaa.org

Photo Credit: Bob Henry Photography