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Articles Of Impeachment Against Trump Unveiled

Articles Of Impeachment Against Trump Unveiled

House Democrats announced on Tuesday that they will bring two articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump. The articles will be sent to the full House of Representatives once finalized in order to vote on whether to impeach Trump, making him the third president in American History to be impeached. If they do vote to impeach Trump, a trial will be held before the Senate that will determine whether to remove or acquit him.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler was the one to introduce the articles on Tuesday, stating the following: “Today, in service to our duty to the Constitution and to our country, the House Committee on the Judiciary is introducing two articles of impeachment, charging the President of the United States Donald J. Trump with committing high crimes and misdemeanors.”

The two Articles are in relation to abuse of power and for the obstruction of Congress.

Article I: Abuse of Power

House Democrats have alleged that Trump demonstrated the abuse of his presidential power in relation to the 2020 election. Moreover, it has been alleged that he pressured Ukraine into investigating political competitor, Joseph R. Biden. Additionally, there is evidence that he withheld $391 million in US Security Aid from Kiev, Ukraine. As a result, “…President Trump used the powers of the Presidency in a manner that compromised the national security of the United States and undermined the integrity of the United States democratic process”.

Article II: Obstruction of Congress

As a course of action in the impeachment process related to the above allegations of foreign interference, the Committee served subpoenas to obtain documents and testimony from various officials. Additionally, House Democrats have alleged that Trump ordered these officials not to comply with the subpoenas. Finally, by withholding the documents and not complying with a legal subpoena, “President Trump sought to arrogate to himself the right to determine the propriety, scope, and nature of an impeachment inquiry into his own conduct…”

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The full articles can be read online.

When finalized, the articles will pass to the Senate to review and make a final determination. Notably,  the Senate is Republican-led.

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Christopher Parkhurst

About The Author

Rachel Lee Perez

Rachel Lee Perez is our Contributing Staff Writer. Rachel is a two-time published author of the books Happily Ever Afterlife and Home. She is also a podcaster, paralegal, dance instructor, and passionate Elk Grove City resident. When she is not attending fun Elk Grove events, you can usually find her at home watching history documentaries, catching up on true crime podcasts, or diving into a good book.

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