City Council Member Stephanie Nguyen Throws Doubt On Mayor Steve Ly’s Claims To Have Saved Costo Deal

In an email, City Council Member Stephanie Nguyen refuted Steve Ly’s claims that he helped to secure Costco in Elk Grove. Last week, Steve Ly made such claims in an article published by Elk Grove Citizen.
Stephanie Nguyen’s Email
As the newest member of the Elk Grove City Council and the second woman in history to serve on the council, I have learned a lot and relish the honor and opportunity to serve our community.
Unfortunately, I am also witnessing the ugly side of politics where certain individuals try to capitalize on any opportunity for self-promotion. In reference to the “A Look at Elk Grove’s Upcoming Costco,” Mayor Ly made false statements about his involvement in the issue. I may have been new on the council when the topic of Costco was discussed, but I took the time to meet with Costco representative and staff to be fully briefed. Costco felt strongly that the current location best met their operational needs given the anticipated population growth of the area and its stores along highway 99 in Sacramento and Lodi. Furthermore, the city manager and finance officer were the negotiators on the economics. Councilmembers Detrick and Hume also played significant roles in the discussions with Costco and the city leadership team. The negotiations were spirited indeed, but successful in the end because of a team effort from many, not from any single individual. These kinds of inflationary and self-promoting statements are another example of why Mayor Ly does not have the trust of the current city council. It is an honor to serve as your council woman and incumbent upon me to call out these behaviors when I see it.
In Community,
Stephanie Nguyen
Elk Grove Councilmember, District 4
It’s very clear to all of us who watch the City Council Meetings and City Council Members out in public that sides have been drawn. Stephanie Nguyen, Pat Hume, and Steve Detrick are all City Council Members that support Vice-Mayor Darren Suen’s run for Mayor of Elk Grove. The four of them clearly work well together. Important to note, Steve Ly is clearly at odds with other members of the Elk Grove City Council.
However, it is surprising for Nguyen to be this candid. The implication from Nguyen’s email is that Steve Ly has been taking credit for things which he had very little to do with. Whether this is true or not is up to you to decide.
One for thing is for sure. The November election will sure be interesting as we vote in the City of Elk Grove.