Filling A Void, A Book By Charles Dangerfield

About The Author
Charles Dangerfield is the author of Filling A Void. The book emphasizes the importance of fatherhood and manhood in a young boy’s life. In addition, it details the experience of Charles himself, reflects on things he has learned from his past, and talks about how he mentors young men without positive father figures in their lives.
Charles was born in Stockton, California and raised by his teenage mother. His father was an absent, drug addict who was often incarcerated. His step-father was an abusive alcoholic. As a result, young Charles was left without positive father figures in his life. Despite those early childhood challenges, his mother enabled Charles to grow up to be the opposite of his father and step-father. Therefore, Charles resolved to have a positive impact on other young men who, like himself, did not have encouraging father figures in their lives.
Charles served in the United States Navy as a young man. Then he worked in law enforcement for 28 years and retired as the Chief of the Department of Corrections street law enforcement unit, which was appointed to him by the Governor of California.
What Filling A Void Is About
Filling A Void is about the importance of fatherhood and manhood in a young boy’s life. If the father or father figure is absent, it causes a void. The kind of void that can lead to other issues. Charles helps fill that void by mentoring young men who lack positive male role models in their lives. It gives them hope, guidance, and inspiration to become successful, productive members of their community. Therefore, this is a calling Charles takes seriously and is near and dear to his heart.
In conclusion, the book Filling A Void inspires. Charles has poured years of personal and professional experience into this book as a resource for single mothers and young men. Also, he is passionate about sharing his God-given gifts, talents, wisdom, and knowledge to improve the lives of others. Charles is a devoted husband, Christian, father of 4 adult children, and grandfather of 12.
To order a copy of his book and learn more, go to: www.cdangerfield.com.