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Hit Reality Show Goes Undercover In Elk Grove

Hit Reality Show Goes Undercover In Elk Grove

The General Manager of Round Table Pizza, located at 5110 Laguna Blvd, will appear on the show, “Undercover Boss,” a show about C-Level executives who go undercover to their stores in an effort to engage with employees, on Friday Feb 25 at 8 PM (PST) on CBS.

Former Chief Executive Officer, Paul Damico of Global Franchise Group (now acquired by Fat Brands, Inc.) went incognito disguising himself as a new hire in order to work on the front line of the restaurant’s daily operations.

Steve Trillas, General Manager of Round Table Pizza, has been with the company for the past 17 years. He has held multiple roles before becoming the General Manager of the restaurant 10 years ago.

When asked about his role when it comes to training new employees, he described himself as being very hands-on.

“I’m very hands-on when it comes to training. Every restaurant operates differently, but the way I run it here, it all comes from the top down. I basically model the way, so if I’m showing them (employees) the right way, then when I’m not here, they’re still doing it the right way”

-Steve Trillas, General Manager of Elk Grove Round Table Pizza
Pictured (L-R): Paul Damico, Former President and CEO, Round Table Pizza and Steve Trillas (General Manager) Photo Credit: Studio Lambert

Training Day

Unbeknownst, before encountering Damico, Trillas expected to train a new recruit that day. “From my knowledge it was a new guy I was showing the ropes to, ” Trillas said, “Round Table’s way, and how we do things.”

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So just as he would train any other new employee, Trillas helped Damico overcome some challenging situations on the job.

“He struggled at times, but we got through that. There was definitely a learning curve that he had to get through. He was put into some situations that we had to overcome, and I had to show him the way.”

-Steve Trillas, General Manager of Round Table Pizza

But Trillas’s role as General Manager comes with its challenges as well. When asked about what he considers the most challenging part about his job is, he said that managing the business and people requires him to take on different personalities at times.

“I have alot of different personalities. I’m managing the business, but i’m also managing people. In order to get all these people to work together – that’s probably the biggest skill that a General Manager has to have. It’s working with alot of different moving parts but having to come up with the same outcome.”

-Steve Trillas, General Manager of Round Table Pizza


When former CEO, Paul Damico’s identity was finally revealed, needless to say Trillas was in shock. He described the overall experience as being positive, but most importantly it was eye-opening for him.

“At one point we talked about my journey in life,” said Trillas. I look back at myself, and how far I’ve come from my upbringing to where I am now. It was eye-opening. It made me proud of myself!”

To watch this episode of Undercover Boss, featuring Elk Grove Round Table Pizza General Manager Steve Trillas, be sure to tune in to CBS on Friday night at 8 PM (PST)

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About The Author

Marissa Johnson

Marissa Johnson is our Executive Editor, Public Relations Specialist, and Photographer. Marissa has a degree in public relations from Sacramento State University.  In her free time she enjoys spending time with her family and their two dogs, cooking , baking and is an avid runner. She also runs a photography business on the side.

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