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Local Political Candidates Form Alliances

Local Political Candidates Form Alliances


Alliances Form

In what is seen as a political showdown, local politicians and political candidates have began to form alliances. By campaigning together and hosting events together, local political candidates hope to encourage voters not just to vote for them, but also for their colleagues.

It’s a well known fact that incumbent Mayor Steve Ly does not have the support of the rest of the Elk Grove City Council in his re-election bid. Vice-Mayor Darren Suen is challenging Steve Ly for the position of Mayor of Elk Grove, along with community activist Tracie Stafford. However, Darren Suen is supported by City Council Members Stephanie Nguyen, Pat Hume, and Steve Detrick.

Recent campaign event flyers and events have been held hosting meet and greets with Vice Mayor Darren Suen, City Council Member Stephanie Nguyen, City Council Member Pat Hume, Assembly Member Jim Cooper, Elk Grove Unified School District Board Member Bobbie Singh-Allen, and Cosumnes Community Services District Board Candidate Koi Rivers. This is contrasted with recent campaign flyers and canvassing events which have been held by Mayor Steve Ly, City Council Candidate Andres Ramos (challenging Pat Hume), City Council Candidate Orlando Fuentes (challenging Stephanie Nguyen), Cosumnes Community Services District Board Candidate Jaclyn Moreno, and Cosumnes Community Services District Board Member Rod Brewer (seeking re-election). Mayoral candidate Tracie Stafford does not appear to be hosting meet and greets with other political candidates.

Controversy With The Elk Grove-South Democratic Club

Mayor Steve Ly, Andres Ramos, Jaclyn Moreno, and Orlando Fuentes recently received the endorsement of the Elk Grove-South County Democratic Club. However, this endorsement was controversial because some believed Steve Ly had brought in new members specifically to vote before other political candidates had time to prepare. A former club president  past President Dan Schmitt was vocal in opposing the motion to suspend bylaws.  “So we are talking about suspending the bylaws, so the club can take a vote to endorse Mayor Ly. Where is the fairness, we had a process, the process is to give all candidates an opportunity to come before this club to make their case.” Tracie Stafford also voiced concern at the June club meeting. “When people show you who they are, believe them. Mayor Ly clearly does not believe he can win the club endorsement honestly. I’m certain that this is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of he is willing to do to remain in office.”

Things To Note

It should be noted that most candidates identify as Democratic but Pat Hume is a Republican. Some are questioning why Democratic party candidates Suen, Nguyen, Cooper, Singh-Allen, and Rivers are appearing at campaign meet and greet events with Hume.

Huntington Learning Center

It should be noted that the Elk Grove City Council’s election is a non-partisan race.

Bobbie Singh-Allen has expressed that she supports Rod Brewer in his re-election bid for Cosumnes Community Services District Board . She explains that they have been friends since college. Bobbie also supports Pat Hume, whom she got to know after previously supporting a friend on the City Council who Pat Hume defeated to get elected. Bobbie reached out to Pat Hume after he was first elected to the Elk Grove City Council, got to know him, and now considers him a friend.

Bobbie Singh-Allen’s Support of Pat Hume

*This statement was originally posted on Facebook by Bobbie Singh-Allen and re-posted here with her permission.*

“I met this man when he was running for the Elk Grove City Council in 2006. I did not vote for him. I was supporting the incumbent because he was my friend and from my point of view doing a great job in Elk Grove. Shortly after defeating the incumbent, I reached out to Pat Hume to get to know him and his vision for Elk Grove. Rather than shun me as a political adversary , he reciprocated the olive branch. Since then, a friendship was forged. My husband and children have tremendous admiration for Pat Hume and he is a part of our community family. Councilmember Pat Hume is Elk Grove. He represents the roots and history of this great community. To chart a course for Elk Grove’s future, we need to recognize and honor where we have been. Pat and his family have roots in Elk Grove since the 1940’s. He was a brilliant Planning Commissioner and an even more brilliant City Councilmember. He is authentic. He is sincere. Watching Pat Hume on the dais is like watching a master craftsman showcasing his skills of the trade. He understands the complex planning, transportation, job growth, housing, and safety issues. He is present and visible in the community. He doesn’t see party labels that divide people but a love for Elk Grove and community. We need to continue our tradition of community above politics. Please join me in re-electing my friend Pat Hume to the Elk Grove City Council.”

EGUSD Trustee Bobbie Singh-Allen

Moving Forward

As we move forward to the November election, it is clear it will be very interesting to watch political races in Elk Grove. One has to wonder which alliances, if any, will succeed in getting all candidates elected. Or will the people of Elk Grove vote for who they wish for, and not follow these alliances? Time will tell.

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