Red Note Youth Orchestra Spreads Awareness Through Crazy Sweater Campaign

If you’ve seen a guy around Elk Grove wearing an crazy Christmas sweater and chatting about music, you’ve probably wondered what the heck he was doing. Meet Michael Hemsworth, the Executive Director of Red Note Youth Orchestra of Elk Grove.

Members of the Red Note Youth Orchestra of Elk Grove holding their violins
About Red Note Youth Orchestra
The Red Note Youth Orchestra is a non-profit. Essentially, the program provides youth an opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument and to play in the student orchestra. They put musical instruments into the hands of many children in the community. Since this includes low-income, and underprivileged youth, this organization is a huge service to our community. Indeed, many of the kids have never picked up a musical instrument before. Red Note Youth Orchestra really reaches into the community to expose more students to the music and instruments of the orchestra.

Michael Hemsworth in a crazy Christmas sweater
It’s important to note that the whole purpose of the crazy sweater campaign is to draw awareness to what the Red Note Youth Orchestra is doing. It’s working. By wearing crazy sweaters around town, Michael Hemsworth has caused many people to pause, and ask why he is wearing them. Because the sweaters are crazy and in bright colors with showy designs, they draw attention in a good way.
Meeting Michael Hemsworth for the first time, I couldn’t help but smile at his appearance. Clearly, he loves what he does, is passionate about music, and really cares about the kids he works with.

Michael Hemsworth in a crazy Christmas sweater
Harmony Project
Harmony project originated in LA and focuses on using mentorship through music and offering full scholarship programs to help students who lack access to music education. While the Red Note Harmony Project initiatives are on only two campuses now, they are part of over a dozen similar programs nationally.

Members of the Red Note Youth Orchestra of Elk Grove practicing on their violins
Seeking New Students & Donations From The Community
Students with and without prior experience can work with Red Note Youth Orchestra’s Sunday afternoon program. Furthermore, they will have an Open House for interested students January 6th. The Open House will be at 3pm for beginners and 4pm for students with experience.
Donations are crucial to Red Note Youth Orchestra. Recently, 25 violins were purchased with the help of donations including the City of Elk Grove and the Laguna Sunrise Rotary. The campus programs at Red Note Youth Orchestra serve Herberger, McKee and Feickert Elementary Schools. They will expand to serve more students as quickly as they are able. Donations and help from the community are imperative to reaching as many students as possible.
Please use hashtag #spreadharmony this month for Red Note Youth Orchestra’s crazy sweater campaign. If you would like to have your child learn music with the Red Note Youth Orchestra or if you would like to make a donation to their cause, please contact Michael Hemsworth directly.
Website: www.rednotemusic.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/rednoteeg
Instagram: @rednoteeg
Office & Mail:
10481 Grantline Rd #100
Elk Grove 95624
(916) 633-0779