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Two Teens Arrested For Social Media Threats Against Elk Grove High School

Two Teens Arrested For Social Media Threats Against Elk Grove High School

On December 8, Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office arrested two teenagers accused of making threats at an Elk Grove high school via social media. The posts spoke about shooting the school and bomb threats. 

Threats against the high school began appearing on Monday. Fortunately, deputies were aware of the social media post and found the threat not credible. The person responsible for that post was spoken to, but no other disciplinary action was done. Two more social media posts threatening violence appeared 24 hours later. 


Huntington Learning Center

A 16 year old male and a 16 year old female were arrested in relation to the posts. The students were left with their families, on the condition that they appear at a later court date. Elk Grove Unified School District will also discipline the students, but such actions are confidential. 

Unfortunately, there has been a rise in social media threats against schools. However, law enforcement has the means to find the person behind these threats.

Huntington Learning Center

Anytime you go on the internet, certainly on social media, you leave a digital exhaust. Law enforcement has the tools. We can find out right down to your address where you’re at and who you are. 

Sgt. Rod Grassmann

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About The Author

Jennifer Ip

Jennifer Ip is our Staff Writer. Jennifer is a writer and small business owner in Elk Grove. She and her husband run a dog walking business together, and she also holds a Bachelor's degree in English. She has four years of publishing experience in different areas of writing: education, marketing, and blogging. Jennifer loves a good book, homemade food, and cuddling up with her dogs.

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