Want to be a City Council Member or Planning Commissioner?

Elk Grove residents living in District 4 have a unique opportunity to serve on the Elk Grove City Council. The City of Elk Grove is now accepting applications for the Elk Grove City Council, District 4 seat, which was vacated by our newly elected Mayor, Steve Ly. Ly represented District 4 since 2014.
The Elk Grove City Council will consider appointment of an Elk Grove resident from District 4 to fill the vacant seat. District 4 applicants must reside in District 4, be at least 18-years-old, a United States citizen, and registered to vote. The appointment term is for the remainder term of the vacated seat, which concludes December 12, 2018. Completed applications must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, January 18, 2017.
The appointment will be considered at the regular City Council meeting of Wednesday, January 25, 2017 at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers at 8400 Laguna Palms Way in Elk Grove. Applicants will have an opportunity to present their qualifications to the Elk Grove City Council and the public. The City Council may appoint the new District 4 Councilmember at this meeting.
Elk Grove is a general law city under California law and the City Council is the legislative body for the City of Elk Grove. Elk Grove City Council members are responsible for the review and approval of an annual budget, establishing community goals and objectives, approving the City’s general plan and zoning maps, reviewing and approving major projects and hearing general feedback from the community.
The City is also seeking applications for other City committees, including the Historic Preservation Committee, Multicultural Committee, and the Planning Commission.
Applications are available at www.elkgrovecity.org/vacancies.