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OhanaFiit at Unlock Nutrition Elk Grove

OhanaFiit at Unlock Nutrition Elk Grove
hot hula from Ohanafiit

Hot Hula Class. Photo courtesy of Jeff Bravo Photography

OhanaFiit is a husband and wife fitness and wellness team who operate out of Unlock Nutrition.   Unlock Nutrition opened in July 2017 on Whitelock and Bruceville in Elk Grove. First of all, while Unlock Nutrition has a protein shake bar, the business is far more than just shakes. The shop offers fitness classes, spa nights, networking and community events. Furthermore, they are working on partnering with schools to host PTA meetings and nutrition classes.

Quote from Co-Owner Ron Leslie

“We are a family passionate about maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle through proper nutrition and fitness activities. OhanaFiit was created to promote that same lifestyle by assisting others and sharing our learned knowledge of familial health and wellness.

We currently provide two fitness platforms to promote our mission. The instructors are certified and qualified to teach these platforms. Hot Hula fitness® is a unique and riveting total body workout infusing Pacific Island dance movements with hip drum beats. POUND fitness® is an energetic, total body workout utilizing drum-like stix to synchronized dance music. Both platforms require no prior experience and all fitness levels are encouraged and welcome. We provide a kid-friendly environment where children are encouraged to participate. OhanaFiit also provides family-friendly fitness sessions with game themes such as kickball, ultimate Frisbee and flag football occasionally throughout the year.

We take pride in witnessing parents, children and even grandparents participating in fitness activities together. As a family owned company, we look forward to furthering our mission in the community of Elk Grove and beyond.”

ohanafiit owners

Ohanafiit owners, Ron and Jennifer with their daughter. Photo courtesy of Jeff Bravo Photography.

Unique Fitness Classes

Ron and Jennifer offer affordable and unique classes.  Classes meet weekly and payment is due at the beginning of each class.  Because payment is due at the beginning of each class rather than billed monthly, no contract or membership needed for the classes.  Important to note, each class is $10 and comes with a post workout small protein shake.  While Hot Hula is 60 minutes, POUND Fitness is 55 minutes.

Huntington Learning Center

I dropped by a Hot Hula class to check it out.  Jennifer also known as Mahina, the instructor, is sweet and full of energy.  Hot Hula is not a temperature based class (like hot yoga) but rather an adjective to describe the fun class.  The encourage all ages and fitness levels to join in.  Consequently, attendees seem to have a blast dancing away to the rhythmic music.

In conclusion, if you are looking for different fitness classes with a family feel then OhanaFiit is perfect for you!  This small business is bringing one-of-a-kind classes to Elk Grove and adding more soon.  Hot Hula is on Thursdays at 7pm.  Pound Fitness is on Saturdays at 6pm.  Pre-register HERE.

GIVEAWAY ALERT: Please check our Elk Grove Tribune Facebook Page and/or Elk Grove Tribune Instagram for a giveaway from this business!

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About The Author

Ashley Newell

Ashley Newell is the Managing Editor of the Elk Grove Tribune. Ashley is a wife, mother, and long time Elk Grove resident. She has been blogging for 10 years at (formerly Heart Hugs Designs) and was voted 5th place in Sacramento Area A-List Local Best Blogger 2017. She is passionate about helping others, trying new things, and spreading the word about her finds. You can connect with her using her Facebook Page, Instagram, Twitter @ashleynewell_me, and on her site

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