3rd Town Hall Meeting Features De-biasing Techniques & Maps Out Next Steps

The 3rd Town Hall Meeting regarding race relations was held at Elk Grove Pavilions on November 6. Bill Kennedy of the American Leadership forum showed the audience some de-biasing techniques.
In addition some positive next steps were laid out. The Elk Grove City Council and the Elk Grove Unified School District Board are working together to make the following goals a reality:
- Hate Incident Tracking
- One District, One Vote (By District Elections)
- Community Policing Commission
- School Board Curriculum On Racism & Hate Crimes
- Extending The Conversation
Hate Incident Tracking
First of all, the City of Elk Grove will create a hate incident tracking system with the cooperation of the Elk Grove Unified School District and the Elk Grove Police Department. When we know what type of incidents Elk Grove citizens are facing the problem can be handled effectively.
One District, One Vote (By District Elections)
Currently, voters outside the district have more power than voters living inside a district. With the One District, One Vote system, only voters inside the district are counted. So voters would only cast a vote for the Elk Grove City Council member living in their district.
Community Policing Commission
Especially relevant, a special commission will be created to oversee the Elk Grove Police Department and to evaluate law enforcement procedures and investigations. This will also hopefully circumvent issues such as excessive use of force that we have seen by law enforcement officials across the country.
School Board Curriculum On Racism & Hate Crimes
The City of Elk Grove will work with the Elk Grove Unified School District to build a limited school curriculum regarding racism and hate crimes. These will accompany a review of school board policies on hate speech. The goal is to teach our children that are community standards are unambiguously against hate and tolerance.
Extending The Conversation
Finally, we must extend the conversation further and engage other community organizations. We must continue to have conversations about racism and hate crimes.
Consequently, the hope is that these next steps will help lay out a framework so that concrete and tangible change in our community can happen. If equity seeking communities have a voice and the rights of all citizens are protected, the City of Elk Grove can pave the way to a brighter future.
To sign the Change.org Petition to mobilize the Elk Grove City Council to enact the aforementioned goals please go HERE.