Elk Grove Community Survey Results Are In

The City of Elk Grove has released results tallied from surveys taken in November and December of 2018. Three transportation surveys were utilized, cycling, traffic, and walking with a total of 269 participants. Cycling surveyed 57 participants, traffic had 109 participants, and walking had 103 participants.
The feedback from the surveys provides the city with insight on the community’s utilization of Elk Grove’s infrastructure. Using the results, the city will use it for consideration in the development of new City projects, planning efforts, and budget planning.
Cycling in the City
The participants in the cycling survey, 95% use bicycles for exercise or recreation. 54% of the participants rank trails as a primary preferred travel option. Furthermore, most of the people will cycle 10 or more miles to a destination.
From the survey, the participants wanted longer trails, more bike lanes, and wider/buffered bikes lanes, respectively.
The results from the cycling survey suggest 4 major findings. First, the 99 and the railroad tracks on the west side of the city divide the community. Second, access to Old Town should be improved. Third, the cycling trails are too short. Lastly, residents want an east-to-west trail that spans across the entire City.
Traffic in the City
From the traffic survey, participants commute up to 45 minutes each way to work. The majority of the participants use the 99 and I5 freeways for their commute. The results suggested that participants wanted more local restaurants, shopping, social destinations, and jobs to avoid leaving the City.
The results from the traffic survey suggest 4 major findings that revolve around the major concerns for congestion and delays. First, Elk Grove Boulevard from Franklin Boulevard to Elk Grove-Florin Road. Second, Laguna Boulevard and Bond Road from Franklin Boulevard to Elk Grove-Florin Road. Third, Bruceville Road from Laguna Boulevard to Sheldon Road. And finally, Elk Grove Boulevard in Old Town from Elk Grove-Florin Road to Waterman Road.
Walking in the City
From the results of the walking survey, 65% of the participants rank walking as their primary method of exercise or recreation. The majority of the participants utilize walking in the City for exercise/recreation, going to school, and access to transit. Participants in this survey are willing to walk up to 2 miles to their destination.
The survey tally suggested that participants want 3 major points. First, construct missing sidewalks, improved lighting, and better street crossings. Second, improve walking conditions to and within commercial areas. And lastly, enhance pedestrian crossings at major intersections.
The results of the walking survey suggest 4 major findings. First, 99 and the railroad tracks on the west side of the city divide the community. Second, improved access to Old Town. Third, install a sidewalk on Bruceville Road between Laguna Boulevard and Sheldon Road. And finally, fill the trail gaps in Laguna Creek, Elk Grove Creek, and the power line trail.
City’s Five Year Plan
From the results of the surveys, the City’s 5-year plan focuses on cycling, traffic, and walking in the city of Elk Grove.
For cycling improvements, the 5-year plan ensures that cycling would be more convenient and easier throughout Elk Grove.
- Green bike lanes on Elk Grove Blvd and Laguna Blvd railroad overcrossing
- Laguna Creek trail crossing at 99
- Old Town streetscape, Phase 2
- Laguna Creek gap closures
- Bruceville Rd to Lewis Stein Rd
- East Stockton Rd to Camden Lake
For traffic improvements, the 5-year plan hopes to reduce congestion and delays through the city.
- Signal coordination improvements on the following corridors
- Elk Grove Blvd from Franklin Blvd to Elk Grove-Florin Rd
- Laguna Blvd and Bond Rd from Franklin Blvd to Elk Grove-Florin Rd
- Elk Grove Blvd at Kent and Railroad St in Traffic Study
- Old Town Area Streetscape Phase 2
For walking improvements, the 5-year plan ensures that walking through the city is improved.
- Laguna Creek Trail – Crossing at 99
- Old Town Street Scape, Phase 2
- Bruceville Rd Safe Routes to School Improvements
- Trail Gap Closures
- Laguna Creek and Elk Grove Creek (Bruceville Rd to Lewis Stein Rd)
- Laguna Creek, East Stockton Rd to Camden Lake
- Elk Grove Creek Trail Gap Closure (Laguna Springs Dr to Oneto Park)
- Elk Grove Creek Trail – Emerald Vista Rd to Elk Grove-Florin Rd
Find the official results can be found here: http://www.elkgrovecity.org/UserFiles/Servers/Server_109585/File/Departments/Public%20Works/Survey_Factsheet.pdf