California Northstate University College of Medicine Celebrates Residency Matches

California Northstate University College of Medicine Class of 2019 Celebrates Residency Matches on Match Day
California Northstate University (CNU) has announced that 96.3% of students in its College of Medicine’s inaugural class have been successfully matched with residency programs across the country, higher than the 93.9% average for medical schools nationally. Over half of the graduates were matched with programs in California.
At the medical school’s first “Match Day,” held March 15th at CNU’s Elk Grove campus, 52 out of 54 students in the inaugural graduating class were paired with residency programs, including at UC Davis, UCLA, Sutter Health, Kaiser Permanente, Cedars-Sinai, the Mayo Clinic, Columbia University, the University of Michigan, the University of Texas and other top universities and hospitals nationwide.
Specialties ranged from internal medicine, radiology, otolaryngology, and emergency medicine to surgery, pediatrics and psychiatry. More than 200 guests—students, family, faculty and staff—attended the event. (Match Results can be found at: http://medicine.cnsu.edu/shareddocs/Academic/2019- Match-Results.pdf.)
“These results represent a milestone for which all of us associated with College of Medicine are extremely proud,” said CNU CEO & President Dr. Alvin Cheung. “Our Match Day pairings demonstrate the high quality of our students, faculty members, and staff. We are training physicians go out into the community and make a positive difference.”
Steven Nemcek, Co-President of Class of 2019, said: “Our success has meant everything and, on behalf of my classmates, we are eager to continue our journey and grateful for all who made it possible.”
“Our results in the match were absolutely terrific, particularly since we have a higher percentage than other medical schools that have been around for over 100 years or more,” said Dr. Joseph Silva, Dean of the College of Medicine.
“This was a tremendous day for our students and the College of Medicine,” said Dr. Darilyn Falck, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs. “We are very proud of them and anticipate their continued success as residents.”
Nationwide, over 30,000 future doctors were matched with residency programs, according to the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC).
CNU opened its campus in 2014 and the College of Medicine opened the following year. CNU plans to build a teaching hospital adjacent to its campus in Elk Grove and has submitted plans to the City of Elk Grove to begin the process toward construction, to begin in 2019 and be completed by 2022. CNUMC will provide the city and region with much-needed access to emergency, acute and comprehensive
medical care and physician training. The hospital will improve public safety and emergency response times, while creating jobs and creating significant new tax revenue for the city.
About California Northstate University
California Northstate University is a 10-year-old institution dedicated to advancing the art and science of healthcare, providing innovative education and healthcare delivery systems, and educating, training, and developing individuals to provide competent, patient-centered care. The University was developed after the successful launch of the College of Pharmacy.
CNU consists of the College of Pharmacy, the College of Medicine, the College of Psychology, and the College of Health Sciences. The College of Pharmacy, College of Medicine, and College of Psychology, located at the Elk Grove Campus, offer a PharmD degree, an MD degree, and a PsyD degree, respectively. The College of Health Sciences, located at the Rancho Cordova Campus, offers a BS degree in Health Sciences and a Pre-Medical Post-Baccalaureate (non- degree) program. The University also offers a Master of Pharmaceutical Sciences degree at its Elk Grove Campus.
Contact: Bob Magnuson Magnuson & Co.
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