Elk Grove Citizens Protest Cell Antennas Near Homes

The City of Elk Grove is about to issue a cell antenna permit to AT&T allowing the company to place five cell antennas without the notification or consent of citizens. One antenna will be placed at Laguna Creek High School and another will be placed at Monterey Trail High School. Additionally, the antennas will be placed close to homes, which raises safety concerns. Elk Grove citizens are upset and do not want the city to issue the permit.
Five antennas are potentially up for placement. One will be placed near Laguna Creek High School, another at Monterey Trail High School. The antenna at MTHS will stand in front of dozens of single-family homes, to the outrage of home-owners on Modena Way. These residents were never notified by the city that these antennas were going to be placed near their homes. Now, citizens are demanding the city to hold a meeting to discuss the item and dismiss the permit.
A Campaign Against More Cell Antennas
A grassroots group called Keep Cell Antennas Away From Our Elk Grove Homes lobbied against the City of Elk Grove. The group has been working for over two years to protect citizens and their homes. The two main arguments against the cell towers pertain to health and home values. The organization discusses the health hazards of having cell antennas close to people. There is little research done on the hazards of 5G cell antenna radiation, but there is a plethora of research on 2G, 3G, and 4G. The research states that the radiation disrupts the nervous, endocrine, respiratory, reproductive, and immune systems. Long term exposure also leads to headaches and brain cancer.
The organization’s second reason to fight the cell antenna permit is the possibility of lowering home values. A survey conducted by The National Institute for Science, Law, and Public Policy found that 94% of respondents said that a cell antenna would alter their interest and price for a home. Additionally, 79% said that they would not buy or rent a home that was close to a cell tower or antenna. It is not just the health concerns that home-owners are worried about, but a cell tower or antenna is an eye-sore. Furthermore, AT&T has stated that Elk Grove has good cell coverage. The group feels it is unnecessary to add more, especially with health hazards.
To Make Your Voice Heard
Concerned Elk Grove citizens can send an email to the City Council asking them to deny the permit from AT&T and to place four recommendations on the agenda for the city and citizens to discuss.
For more information regarding Keep Cell Antennas Away From Our Elk Grove Homes, click here to visit their website.