Elk Grove Civic Center Naming Poll Results – City of Elk Grove

At the City Council Meeting January 24, the City of Elk Grove revealed the results of their poll to name the Civic Center. The poll was launched on Friday January 19 and lasted until Sunday January 21 until 11:59pm. The names that were ranked 1st and 2nd in the City of Elk Grove’s Elk Grove Civic Center Naming Poll (The Grove & Elk Grove Civic Center) were the exact same names that the Elk Grove Tribune came up with in OUR POLL (which was put up January 10 right after the last City Council Meeting)!
Note that people were allowed to rank their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th choice.
Results of Elk Grove Civic Center Naming Poll (Percentage of people who ranked a name number 1)
1. The Grove 50.6%
2. Elk Grove Civic Center 33.05%
3. CNTR Point or The CNTR 8.33%
4. The Sillo 4.59%
5. The Point 2.89%
6. The Canopy 2.83%
People were also allowed to rank whether how they felt about a name (Liked, Neutral, or Disliked). 60.9% Liked The Grove. The most Neutral one was Elk Grove Civic Center. 37.8% felt Neutral about it. 71.2% Disliked The Silo. 69.4% Disliked CNTR Point.
I was pretty appalled by what I saw at the City Council Meeting. 2 City Council Members wanted to pick CNTR Point, which would be AGAINST the wishes of the people since 69.4% disliked it. The City Council postponed the final decision. Until they find a better name the signage will say exactly what the building is. So the aquatic center will be the Elk Grove Aquatic Center. I don’t think it’s cool that City Council asked for public opinion and then they almost completely ignored the wishes of the people. I get that the City of Elk Grove paid $38,000 to come up with CNTR Point and Pendulum. But I don’t believe that means we need to use those names.
To all members of the Elk Grove City Council, please DON’T IGNORE the wishes of the people! The Elk Grove Tribune did a poll and the City of Elk Grove did a poll. Both ranked The Grove as number 1 and Elk Grove Civic Center as number 2. Variations of The Grove should also be considered such as CommUnity Grove and Elk Grove CommUNITY Center, which were numbers 3 and 4 in our Elk Grove Tribune poll. See the results of our poll HERE.