Elk Grove DOGtoberfest 2019
Elk Grove Animal Services has hit the ground running! Just two weeks after their official Grand Opening, Elk Grove Animal Services partnered with Beers in Sac to put on the first-ever DOGtoberfest, a beer fest showcasing all things pets!
This event brought all kinds of pet owners trailing along behind their adorably-costumed pooches. From Superman to cheerleaders to hot dogs to Disney’s Woody, every character was represented.
Aside from the savory beers and delicious foods provided via food trucks, the main attention-grabber was the wiener dog races. It was hilarious to watch some eager wieners race to the finish line while more timid pups chose to remain at the starting line or slowly meander out onto the field.
There was also a costume contest and a beer chugging contest!
We were encouraged to find that most of the dog kennels were empty throughout the shelter. This was as a result of recent successful adoptions. There are, however, still plenty of cats and other small animals available for adoption. Whether you are still considering adding a fur baby to your family or just love all things animals, we strongly encourage you to check out Elk Grove Animal Service’s beautiful new facility.