Elk Grove Mayoral Candidate Michelle Kile Reportedly Asked To Drop Out By Mayor Steve Ly
Sources close to the Michelle Kile Mayoral campaign say she faced pressure from Elk Grove Mayor Steve Ly to quit the race. Kile was asked to run for other local positions instead of Elk Grove Mayor, according to sources wishing not to be identified publicly. It is not clear whether Mayor Ly himself made the requests for Kile to withdraw or whether these requests were made on his behalf. Michelle Kile remains a candidate for Elk Grove Mayor.
The news comes as Mayor Steve Ly confronts growing public scrutiny over potential ethics violations. Reportedly, Ly suggested Kile seek election to the EGUSD Board seat currently held by Nancy Chaires Espinoza. Espinoza is one of several local officials alleging possible ethics violations by Mayor Ly. Four Elk Grove City Council members recently voted to put a censure of the Mayor on the next Agenda. At the last City Council meeting Mayor Ly faced a flurry of negative public comments alleging intimidation and harassment by Ly and associates. Community members also alleged ethical violations on the Mayors part.
In full disclosure, among those alleging possible harassment by associates of the Mayor are Elk Grove Tribune Editor-In-Chief and owner Dr. Jacqueline “Jax” Cheung. In addition, included among those confronting the Mayor and alleging impropriety are EGUSD Trustees Bobbie Singh-Allen and Nancy Chaires Espinoza. Both Singh-Allen and Cheung directly confronted Mayor Ly at the recent Elk Grove City Council meeting. In a surprise announcement, Singh-Allen later declared her candidacy for Elk Grove Mayor, challenging Ly for the position. Over 6,000 people have signed a Change.org petition organized by former Elk Grove Planning Commissioner Paul Lindsay demanding Mayor Steve Ly’s resignation.
The Mayor categorically denied any allegations of harassment or intimidation, saying he condemns anyone engaged in unethical tactics on his behalf. At the Council Meeting, over two dozen Elk Grove residents testified in defense of the Mayor. Elk Grove City Council meets again next Wednesday August 12th at 6PM.
Most importantly, voting in Elk Grove starts in less than 60 days. Ballot drop boxes open on October 5th, the same day Sacramento County mails out ballots. The last day to vote is November 3rd, 2020.
Michelle Kile is a 10 year Elk Grove resident. Kile says she’s running to “represent the people and I don’t mean corporations or big business but the citizens of Elk Grove”. According to her campaign website, Kile wants to “support local business and make Elk Grove greener”.