Elk Grove Restaurants Serve Seniors With Great Plates Delivered Program

The City of Elk Grove is part of a first-in-the-nation meal delivery service to support both Elk Grove’s senior citizens and local food service businesses during the COVID-19 public health crisis called Great Plates Delivered. The service is a Delivered Program partnership that includes FEMA, the State of California, and the City of Elk Grove. Elk Grove is identifying restaurants to provide up to 500 Elk Grove seniors with three nutritious meals per day.
Purpose of Great Plates Delivered
During the COVID-19 crisis, both elderly citizens and small businesses are experiencing hardship. Great Plates Delivered aims to alleviate some hardship for seniors and local businesses alike.
Two Goals of Great Plates Delivered:
- Help seniors and other adults at high risk from COVID-19 to stay home and stay healthy by delivering three nutritious meals a day
- Provide essential economic stimulus to local businesses struggling to stay afloat during the COVID-19 crisis.
Banding together to support each other is an Elk Grove norm.
Who Can Apply to Receive Meals?
You may qualify if you:
- Meet age requirements:
- Are 65 or older, OR
- Are 60-64 and have been diagnosed with or exposed to COVID-19 or are considered high-risk by the CDC
- Live alone or with one other program-eligible adult
- Are not currently receiving assistance from other state or federal nutrition assistance programs, like CalFresh/SNAP or Meals on Wheels
- Earn between $24,980 and $74,940 (if living alone) or between $33,820 and $101,460 (if a two-person household)
- Have difficulty accessing food resources or preparing your own meals
- Live in the City of Elk Grove
If You are a Restaurant Applying
If you own an Elk Grove restaurant or catering business, become a Great Plates Delivered Partner Business. Earn money while helping Elk Grove seniors stay home and stay healthy by preparing nutritious meals for delivery. Some restrictions apply.
Apply online at elkgrovecity.org/greatplates.
Below are the Elk Grove Restaurants currently participating in the program.
Cafe Elk Grove

Cafe Elk Grove prepping senior meals
Cafe Elk Grove: “In partnership with the City of Elk Grove, we’re super ecstatic to bring fresh, nutritious meals to Senior citizens through Gov Newsom’s Great Plates Delivered Program. Our big thank you goes out to everyone involved in this project. Special shoutout to @cityofeg for rolling out this much-needed support for both our Seniors and small, local businesses like ours!”
Jamie’s Cafe

Jamie’s Cafe’s homemade meals for seniors
Jamie’s Cafe: “Jamie’s Cafe is so excited to announce we got the Great Plates Senior account. We will be providing seniors with 3 meals a day. […] I’m very grateful to be part of this. If you know someone in need please share. All the information is on the City of Elk Grove website.”
We’re All in this Together
If you’re looking to support these Elk Grove small businesses as they support Elk Grove seniors, call in to order a delicious meal for you and your family today!
Cafe Elk Grove
8230 Civic Center Drive
Elk Grove, CA 95757
Elk Grove, CA 95757
(916) 230-1369
Jamie’s Cafe
9101 Laguna Main Street St.
Elk Grove, CA 95758
Elk Grove, CA 95758
916-667-3865 or 916-690-3895