Father And Son Attacked By Group For A Cell Phone

After arranging a meeting to sell a cell phone on OfferUp, Aryan Rahimi and his son waited for the buyer to arrive near his home on April 27th. Instead of one person, seven people showed up in a car. In this instance, the car was captured on a neighbor’s surveillance camera.
During the interaction, the buyer had a few phones with them. This made Rahimi suspicious. As Rahimi suspected something was wrong, he advised his son to walk away and he’ll follow behind.
After the interaction, Rahimi and his son walked away. While walking away, the group exited the vehicle and attacked them. This turned into a brawl. During the brawl, the suspects grabbed for Rahimi while he protected his son.
The suspects drove away. If you have any information about this incident, please call the Elk Grove Police Department.
EGPD Safe Exchange Zone
For any sales or transactions, EGPD suggest meeting at the Police Department’s Safe Exchange Zone. By conducting the transaction at a police department, it will deter any potential crimes. More importantly, it keeps you from being a victim. Also, it allows you to meet someone without inviting people to where you live.
Always meet during daylight hours so that you can see your surroundings. Also, bring a friend or family member go with you so they can report anything. Always trust your gut. If something is too good to be true, it probably is. Also, if something about the transaction feels off, make sure you have an alternative plan.