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Flashing Yellow Left-Turn Arrows At Traffic Signals Utilized In Elk Grove 

Flashing Yellow Left-Turn Arrows At Traffic Signals Utilized In Elk Grove 
traffic yellow flashing light
Photo Credit: Peter Haley

The City of Elk Grove will start operating new traffic signals with a flashing yellow left-turn arrow. The signal lights with a flashing yellow left turn will be situated at the north and southbound intersections of Wymark Drive and Elk Grove Boulevard.

The flashing yellow arrow traffic signal features a flashing yellow arrow along with the traditional red, yellow, and green arrows.

The flashing or blinking yellow arrow means that you may enter the intersection, with caution. It indicates that left turns are permitted, but the driver must yield to all oncoming traffic. This means you must yield to all vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists in the intersection when the flashing yellow arrow is activated. You may make the left turn if it is permissible. But, oncoming traffic has the right of way, so you must yield to them.

The flashing yellow arrow not only improves the flow of traffic at intersections but it also allows more vehicles to pass through. The flashing yellow arrow allows motorists to make a left turn after yielding to oncoming traffic. When the flashing yellow light is not on, the traffic signal works the same as a traditional traffic signal.


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But Why?

In 2019, the flashing yellow arrow was introduced to City Council in the City’s Traffic Congestion Management Plan. This type of signal light was designed to reduce delay, which ultimately will save time for motorists, along with the reduction of emissions. The flashing yellow arrow signal has proven to reduce delays by 50% and reduce emissions by 12%. This was the start of the pilot project in Elk Grove.

Usage In The Past

In 2020, three intersections were added on the left-turn flashing yellow arrow lights. The first location was at Harbour Point Drive at Galen Drive. The second was located on Harbour Point Drive at Renwick Avenue. The third location was at Big Horn Boulevard at Lewis Stein Road.

There will be more intersections in Elk Grove that will have the flashing yellow left-turn signals. The intersections will be at Bond Road at Elk Crest Drive, and another at Lewis Stein Road and West Stockton Boulevard. Furthermore, in order to add awareness of these signals with the flashing arrows, the new signal heads include reflective yellow borders and supplemental signs such as the one shown above in the picture.

Should you have further questions on the Left-Turning Yellow Arrows Pilot Project, please contact the City of Elk Grove Public Works Department at (916) 478-2256

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About The Author

Michelle Silveira

Michelle is an American television actress from Hollywood contracted with Disney and Warner Bros. Studios who is known for her comedic roles in many television shows including The Steve Harvey Show, Step by Step and Living Single. She holds a bachelor’s degree from SFSU in Psychology and Drama. Michelle has a passion for film, television, world travel, history and culture. She is an avid reader and an inspiring movie buff with a keen sense of fashion and food along with a deep love for animals, people and life.

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