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Former Elk Grove Police Officer Sentenced To Prison After Stomping On Man’s Head

Former Elk Grove Police Officer Sentenced To Prison After Stomping On Man’s Head

On June 5th, 2019, Elk Grove Police Officer responded to a call. Two people had been trying to steal from a clothing store. An officer was needed to arrest the two suspects. By the time the officer responded, the two people were on their knees and ready for an arrest. However, one of the men refused to comply. With this complete disregard for authority, the officer called to the scene drew his gun. According to the Sacramento County District Attorney’s office, he threatened the man.

“If he didn’t put his arms out like an airplane it was ‘going to be a bad day’ for him. Seconds later, Schmidt stomped on the suspect’s head, knocking him unconscious.”

Sacramento County District Attorney’s Office in a later interview about the incident


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Consequently, on Monday, March 14th, 2022 former Officer Bryan Schmidt was found guilty by a jury of battery and assault. Above all, Schmidt will face four years in prison after his sentencing date of April 8th, 2022. Schmidt was fired from the Elk Grove Police Department in 2020. He has been under investigation since the release of the incident video from the EGPD. Sacramento County District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert spoke about the incident.

“Unfortunately, this was a rare instance in which an officer violated the public’s trust and needlessly used excessive force causing serious injuries to an individual.”

Anne Marie Schubert

Thanks all members of the jury for being fair and dedicated to the end result.

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About The Author

Grace Davis

Grace Davis is our Social Media Specialist & Staff Writer. Grace is a sophomore at Biola University. Her hometown is Elk Grove, Ca where she graduated from Cosumnes Oaks High School in 2019. She has a passion for cooking and Disney.

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