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FREE Summer Meals So Children Don’t Go Hungry

FREE Summer Meals So Children Don’t Go Hungry

Summer vacation is known as a happy time to relax however for some children it brings dread due to hunger.  Many children depend on school breakfast and lunch for food.  Luckily, there is a nationwide program called Summer Food Service Program to help children in need over the summer.  In Elk Grove, EGUSD has 23 sites were all children 18 and under can get a free meal.

free Summer Meal Flier

The Program

The program allows ANY child 18 and under to come easily get a meal.  There is no paperwork to fill out or registration required.  No questions are asked.  Each child is provided a meal, all they have to do is show up.  The program runs from June to August.  Furthermore, there are programs running nationwide so if children are out of town or visiting relatives they can still find a location where they can have a meal.

Elk Grove Locations

In Elk Grove, the food is prepared in the same kitchen as school meals.  However, for this program they serve cold meals such as sandwiches or wraps.  Therefore perfect for hot summer days.  Summer meals follow the same nutritional guidelines as school lunch.  Fruits, vegetables, milk, and an entree are provided in each meal.

An area is set up so that children can enjoy their meals at the location.  Most locations serve lunch during the week.  The exception is Saturday Night Lights which does the opposite.  They are open Thursday through Sunday in the evening.  Here is a list of the Elk Grove locations.


free summer meal locations 1 free summer meal locations 2

For More Information

There are a lot of options for finding more information about the program.  First, an app called CA Meals for Kids is available for Apple, Google Play and Microsoft.  The app offers maps, directions, days of service, etc… for the meal sites.  Also, those who prefer texting can text FOOD to 877-877.  Finally, those who prefer call can call 2-1-1.

Huntington Learning Center

In conclusion, please consider sharing this information to anyone who might be struggling this summer.  Hopefully, people can utilize this program and therefore fewer children will be hungry this summer.

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About The Author

Ashley Newell

Ashley Newell is the Managing Editor of the Elk Grove Tribune. Ashley is a wife, mother, and long time Elk Grove resident. She has been blogging for 10 years at (formerly Heart Hugs Designs) and was voted 5th place in Sacramento Area A-List Local Best Blogger 2017. She is passionate about helping others, trying new things, and spreading the word about her finds. You can connect with her using her Facebook Page, Instagram, Twitter @ashleynewell_me, and on her site

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