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Is the Outlet Mall’s Future in Jeopardy?

Is the Outlet Mall’s Future in Jeopardy?

With the clock ticking, Stand Up California and an unknown funding source, are paying professional signature gatherers to repeal the action take by the Elk Grove City Council on October 26th to amend the Town Center Developmentwilton-rancheria-image2 Agreement. The action essentially removed any encumbrances on the land and freed it up to be put into trust by the federal Bureau of Indian Affairs, paving the way for the Wilton Rancheria to build its $400 million casino and resort project. The tribe purchased the land from Howard Hughes Corporation, owner of the partially constructed Outlet Collection at Elk Grove. The Wilton Rancheria and Howard Hughes Corporation have applauded the project as perfect complements to each other and Howard Hughes has declared the Outlet Mall to be coming next year.

Stand Up California Petition

Stand Up California Petition

Region Business, a local business advocacy group, contends that if the signatures are gathered and the development agreement is repealed, then the Outlet Mall will not move forward – continuing to sit partially constructed for years to come. Further, Region Business contends that Stand Up California is being funded by competing casinos and cardrooms. The two groups are battling it out in front of stores around Elk Grove.

Stand Up California must gather 9,000 registered voters signatures by November 26th.


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Elk Grove Tribune

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