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Precautionary Lockdown At Cosumnes Oaks High School

Precautionary Lockdown At Cosumnes Oaks High School

A precautionary lockdown took place at Cosumnes Oaks High School on Friday October 29th. This occurred just hours after the school day began, at about 10:05 AM. Officials were notified that there was a report of a weapon on campus. This prompted Elizabeth Pinkerton Middle School, which is adjacent and connected to Cosumnes Oaks to undergo a lockdown as well. The Elk Grove Unified School District Safety and Security, the Sacramento Sheriff’s Office and the Elk Grove Police were at the campus investigating the report of a weapon on campus. Officials requested parents and families to not go to the campus and said that all the students were safe. According to officials, the campus was thoroughly searched and no weapon was found. Officers lifted the lockdown at 12:10 PM. Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office spokesperson stated “Reports of a weapon on campus were unfounded.”


Huntington Learning Center


A school lockdown is a procedure that is conducted if and when there is an immediate threat. During a lockdown, students, staff and faculty are instructed to secure themselves in the room they are in and not to leave until the threat has been cleared by school officials. Faculty and staff are expected to lock all doors and windows leading into a classroom or office. Students and staff are to stay in a safe corner, away from doors and windows, turn off the lights and to stay silent. Instruction will come to a halt during this time. No one is allowed on or off campus during a lockdown. A school can be on a lockdown for 15 minutes, and even up to 5 hours, depending on the situation. Each school site has a School Site Safety Plan that outlines all safety procedures.


Huntington Learning Center

The Elk Grove Unified School District has lockdown procedures in place. Schools routinely conduct emergency drills to ensure that everyone is prepared in the event of an actual lockdown. It is important for parents to know these procedures and to know what occurs in these situations. To learn more about specific safety procedures at a school, parents should contact their child’s school site.

Elk Grove Tribune is investigating the profiling of Black youth which reportedly occurred. There will be a follow-up story.

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About The Author

Michelle Silveira

Michelle is an American television actress from Hollywood contracted with Disney and Warner Bros. Studios who is known for her comedic roles in many television shows including The Steve Harvey Show, Step by Step and Living Single. She holds a bachelor’s degree from SFSU in Psychology and Drama. Michelle has a passion for film, television, world travel, history and culture. She is an avid reader and an inspiring movie buff with a keen sense of fashion and food along with a deep love for animals, people and life.

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