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Sean Yang Runs For EGUSD District 3 Board Of Trustee

Sean Yang Runs For EGUSD District 3 Board Of Trustee

Citing an urge to give back to the community, Sean Yang is running for the position of EGUSD District 3 Trustee in the 2020 elections. Yang is currently the only one running for the position. 

Yang came to the United States as a Hmong refugee from Thailand. He was twelve, and didn’t speak a word of English. Yang’s family grew up on welfare, but he knew about the importance of a good education. He graduated from Valley High School in 1996, and then got a degree in electronic technology. Currently, he works in the medical field. 

However, in his free time, Yang spends his time with the Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs where he works with the youth. He helps ESL students and encourages them to engage in civic duties and community service. Yang also helps the youth get internships to receive better jobs and opportunities. 

Background & Drive

As a refugee, immigrant, and ESL student, Yang encountered prejudice and discrimination all throughout life. Comments like “go home” or “return to your home country” were a part of his norm. He was also teased for having “slanted” eyes. As someone who has been the target of such hatred and ignorance, Yang wants to ensure that no other children face the same suffering. 

Yang moved away from Elk Grove, but has returned to his roots to give back to his community. He believes that Elk Grove is special due to its diverse identity and safe space. In regards to the development of Elk Grove’s inner city area, he is happy with the progress and hopes it continues. Yang wants to let children know that he is pursuing a curriculum that is relevant and engaging and will actively work to put a stop to bullying. While Elk Grove schools are wonderful, Yang wants to make them better. 

Huntington Learning Center

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About The Author

Jennifer Ip

Jennifer Ip is our Staff Writer. Jennifer is a writer and small business owner in Elk Grove. She and her husband run a dog walking business together, and she also holds a Bachelor's degree in English. She has four years of publishing experience in different areas of writing: education, marketing, and blogging. Jennifer loves a good book, homemade food, and cuddling up with her dogs.

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