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South Sacramento Schools’ Lockdown Lifted As Juvenile With Gun Ran From Authorities

South Sacramento Schools’ Lockdown Lifted As Juvenile With Gun Ran From Authorities

After over two hours of searching, authorities issued an “all clear” after several south Sacramento schools were put into lockdown. The lockdown was issued after a juvenile was believed to be carrying what looked like a semi-automatic handgun. Moreover, the lockdown was precautionary to ensure the safety of the students and staff.

Just before noon, a Sacramento County Probation Department officer noticed a juvenile fall off a bike. As the juvenile got up, a dog rushed towards the juvenile. During this time, the supervising probation officer, Lynsey Semon, noticed the juvenile drawing out something that resembled a handgun. The incident occurred at Center Parkway and Ehrhardt Avenue, which is directly in front of Valley High School and Consumnes River College.

During the incident, the officer commanded the juvenile to drop their weapon. At that point, the juvenile ran away and jumped a fence onto the Valley High School campus. As a result, the juvenile lost the officer in the crowd of students. Subsequently, a lockdown was issued at around 11:40 AM.

As Valley High School was locked down, Cosumnes River College, John Reith Elementary, and Barbara Comstock Morse Elementary were locked down as well as a precaution to ensure the safety of the students and staff. EGUSD schools followed the emergency lockdown procedures.

Luckily, no one was hurt during this incident. Authorities are still attempting to identify the suspect. The suspect was observed wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt and blue jeans.

Huntington Learning Center

Message from the EGUSD

Good afternoon,

The precautionary lockdown at VHS has been lifted as of 2:29 p.m. contact Lynsy Semon with the Sacramento Probation Department for a statement regarding the police activity.

Thanks to the immediate response by local law enforcement and coordination with our District Safety and Security, the lockdown at Valley High School has now been lifted. Two other elementary schools in the vicinity also were on lockdown out of an abundance of caution and those lockdowns were lifted prior to each school’s dismissal (John Reith and Barbara Comstock Morse Elementary Schools).

Students and staff did an excellent job following all lockdown procedures efficiently and effectively. All students and staff are safe.

Thank you – Xanthi

Xanthi Pinkerton

Director of Communications

Elk Grove Unified School District

9510 Elk Grove-Florin Road

Elk Grove, CA 95624

Phone (916) 686-7732

Message from the Principal of Valley High School

December 12, 2019

Dear Parents and Guardians

Today, at approximately 11:40 a.m., local law enforcement called for a precautionary lockdown at Valley High School due to police activity in the area. Staff and students followed the emergency lockdown procedures and responded effectively and efficiently. EGUSD Safety and Security secured the school site.

If there is police activity at or near the school, you could be putting your student or yourself in danger or interfering with law enforcement’s response by coming to the school. Refer to the District’s or school’s communication channel (School Messenger) and await direction from the school site. The following link is the District’s Lockdown Procedures. Parents who go to Valley High School during the lockdown will be redirected to Cosumnes River College.

The safety of our students and staff is a top priority at our school. We are sharing this information with you as part of our ongoing efforts to keep you informed about incidents that affect our campus.

As soon as the lockdown is lifted an update will be provided.


Richard Guitierrez
Valley High School

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Dr. Sunny Le

Dr. Sunny Le is our Contributing Staff Writer and has a passion for community engagement and helping the community grow. He is your local expert on what's happening in Elk Grove. His articles focus on community, events, local news, and local businesses to provide an entertaining read.

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