4 Sacramento College Students Exposed To Coronavirus

Photograph Provided by Pan American Health Organization
Four college students in the Sacramento area were confirmed as people exposed to a person who tested positive for the coronavirus. One student is from American River College, one is from Cosumnes River College, and two are from Sacramento City College.
The students were exposed to the illness when working in their capacities as medical professionals. Upon being exposed to the coronavirus, all students returned to school for classes with the exception of one of the Sacramento City College students. All four students have been told to remain at home.
The Los Rios Community College District has released a statement in which they revealed the Sacramento County Public Health Department has not yet directed the college campuses to take immediate action and to continue with the regularly scheduled classes.
In most recent news, a student at UC Davis that lives in the Kearney Hall dormitory has also been placed in isolation, along with two other dormitory residents, after experiencing symptoms similar to those of the coronavirus.