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Amgen Race And Lifestyle Festival In Elk Grove

Amgen Race And Lifestyle Festival In Elk Grove

Last week, the Amgen Tour of California bike race came to Elk Grove.  Elk Grove was the starting location for the women’s race and Stage 5 for the men’s race.  Amgen brought thousands of people to Elk Grove therefore selling out hotel rooms and boosting local businesses.  This year’s stage was accompanied by a free Lifestyle Festival.

Women’s Race Stage 1


Amgen is an invitation only race.  Athletes from around the world come to California to participate.  This year there were cyclists from Australia, Denmark, Italy and more.  Invited cyclists are world class athletes including some Olympic cyclists.

This year, not only did the women’s race start in Elk Grove but they also had a Women’s Kick Off event in Elk Grove Park the night before.  Cycling enthusiasts were invited out for a 15 mile social ride.  The night concluded with a panel discussion with top competitors in the race as well as industry experts.

National Anthem with Elk Grove PD Color Guard


The Women’s Race began in Elk Grove at 11am on May 17.  The women took a 78 mile round trip ride ending back by the site that will be the Elk Grove Civic Center around 2:30pm.  They biked towards Thorton then along the Delta before coming back to Elk Grove.  85 racers finished Stage 1.  Kendall Ryan of California won Stage 1 in Elk Grove with a time of 3 hours, 7 mins, and 8 seconds.  Next was Emma White from New York and Annette Edmonton of Australia took 3 at Stage 1.

The Men’s Race ended Stage 5 in Elk Grove.  Stage 5 starts in Stockton, goes through Herald, and ended in Elk Grove.  Fernando Gaviria from Colombia won Stage 5 of the race.  Caleb Ewan came in second and Peter Sagan brought in third.

Huntington Learning Center

Literally seconds separated the winners of overall race.  Katie Hall of the USA came in first.  Less than a second before the next competitor.  Engan Bernal won the Men’s Race and became the first Colombian to win the Amgen tour.

Lifestyle Festival in Elk Grove

This year, along with the stage for the women’s race, Elk Grove included a free Lifestyle Festival.  Booths lined the streets with information about Elk Grove such as CSD Parks and Rec, Explore Elk Grove (visitor’s bureau), E-tran, etc…  Other cities set up booths as well including Lodi and Redding.  CalFit even came out and gave free cycling classes.  There were also food trucks.  Many children had fun playing games and winning prizes such as water bottles and stress balls.

CSD Booth

Food Trucks

Vice Mayor Darren Suen, City Council Members Pat Hume, and Stephanie Nguyen

Vice Mayor Darren Suen, City Council Members Pat Hume, and Stephanie Nguyen


Amgen is a very special event and it was wonderful of them to come to Elk Grove.  Upon walking around the Lifestyle Festival, I met people from Iowa, Arizona, and New Mexico.  It was wonderful to see people coming out to enjoy Elk Grove.  It was also amazing to see Elk Grove come out and enjoy the race.

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About The Author

Ashley Newell

Ashley Newell is the Managing Editor of the Elk Grove Tribune. Ashley is a wife, mother, and long time Elk Grove resident. She has been blogging for 10 years at (formerly Heart Hugs Designs) and was voted 5th place in Sacramento Area A-List Local Best Blogger 2017. She is passionate about helping others, trying new things, and spreading the word about her finds. You can connect with her using her Facebook Page, Instagram, Twitter @ashleynewell_me, and on her site

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