City Elk Grove Multi-Sport Park Complex

Site map of proposed Elk Grove Multi-Sport Park Complex
Draft Environmental Report Released on Multi-Sport Park
The City of Elk Grove and the Sacramento Local Agency Formation Commission(LAFCo) released a Draft Environmental Impact Report(EIR). This report is used to identify the potential environmental effects of a Multi-Sport Park Complex. The proposed site is on approximately 100 acres of property South of Grant Line Road. This EIR is available for public review at this link. Comments to LAFCo and the City on the EIR will be accepted until August 14.
The property was purchased by the City and is under review in 2014 to potentially expand. The expansion would be for competitive recreational space for training and tournament play for soccer, rugby and lacrosse. In addition the project also has a space for agricultural events like the Sacramento County Fair and stadium.
The city must complete two steps both approved by LAFCo in order to add property to a City’s Sphere of Influence (SOI) and annex it. An application to annex the property was filed in 2015. To zone surrounding properties to commercial, industrial, and mixed use to increase employment opportunities, the City included adjoining lands to the southwest and northeast as part of the SOI application per the Commission’s request.
Cutoff for comments on the EIR should be sent on or before August 14 to Don Lockhart, AICP at the Sacramento Local Agency Formation Commission at 1112 I Street, Ste. 100, Sacramento, CA 95814 or by email Don.Lockhart@SacLAFCo.org . A final EIR will be prepared by the City and LAFCo at the end of the public review period. The SOIA request will be considered after a hearing before LAFCo which has not been set. The City needs to finalize the design and financing for the Project to then return to LAFCo for consideration of the annex. Final design and financing plan approval is decided by the Elk Grove City Council. Completion date has not been set.
Please contact Christopher Jordan at 916-478-2222 or cjordan@elkgrovecity.org for more information on the proposed Multi-Sport Park Complex.