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Elk Grove Mayoral Candidate Tracie Stafford’s Campaign Fundraiser A Success

Elk Grove Mayoral Candidate Tracie Stafford’s Campaign Fundraiser A Success

Progressive Activist Kimberly Ellis, Mayoral Candidate Tracie Stafford, and Former State Superintendent of Public Instruction Delaine Eastin

Tracie’s recent Breaking Barriers, Building Community campaign fundraiser was a success.  The evening was filled with supporters, donors, and speakers.  The three main guest speakers were Delaine Eastin, Kimberly Ellis and Milo Fitch.

Ms. Eastin is former State Superintendent of Public Instruction for California and supports Tracie Stafford.  She said, “I’ve known Tracie for years and she will bring courage, vision and heart to the job of mayor.  Local government is important because it affects individual lives, families, children’s education and neighborhoods.”  She added, “Tracie can make things work for all people and is ethical and compassionate.”

Mayoral Candidate Tracie Stafford

Progressive activist and organizer, Kimberly Ellis, supports Tracie because she says she believes in her vision, passion and leadership. “She’s qualified to lead this city and has courage and grace.  Lack of leadership in D.C. is spreading throughout the country.  The change we want to see won’t come from D.C.  This moment is calling for the kind of leadership that Tracie is offering.”

Mayoral Candidate Tracie Stafford with Criminal Justice Reformer Milo Fitch

Milo Fitch, Criminal Justice Reformer, grew up in Elk Grove. “We need someone like Tracie to lead us to the next level.  She will bring change that is necessary for Elk Grove.  I’m impressed with her abilities in business and meetings.  She has the attributes and experience to be our next mayor.”

Supporters of Mayoral Candidate Tracie Stafford

Supporter, Denette Covarrubias said, “Adversity make the best leaders, women of adversity make the best leaders.” An anonymous supporter says she supports Tracie because she cares and has integrity.

Huntington Learning Center

When asked why she’s running for mayor, Tracie said, “I have three areas of focus, Community First, Smart Growth, and Government Reform.”  She’s running because she believes it’s time for real change in Elk Grove.  Tracie invites all of you to join her in breaking barriers and building community.

Mayoral Candidate Tracie Stafford

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