Elk Grove Western Festival Carnival Night Happening But Closing Earlier

Elk Grove Western Night Carnival To Go On
The Elk Grove Western Festival will have their usual opening night’s carnival on May 4, 2018.
Previously, the Elk Grove Police Department advised organizers to cancel the carnival night because of the violence that broke out at the same event last year. Last year an estimated 2000 attended the carnival. On opening night at the 2017 Elk Grove Western Festival Carnival, teenagers chased and subsequently assaulted a male victim. The carnival closed an hour early. Two more assaults were reported outside the park that night. In one case a suspect tried to rob a pedestrian. 11 police officers and 8 private security guards worked that night.
Usually, the carnival attracks crowds of local teenagers during its “suicide night.” Organizers also sold carnival ride wristbands to benefit local schools. Jason Jiminez emphasized that this recommendation was made to protect public safety and welfare.
After reviewing the security plan of organizers, the Elk Grove Police Department changed their previous position, which had advised to cancel carnival night. The new plan calls for 27 staff, including 15 Elk Grove Police officers. However, the carnival will close at 8pm this year. There will also be a security command center and security cameras.
The Cosumnes Community Services District (CSD) Board co-governs Elk Grove Regional Park where the festival is held. Therefore, the CSD Board must now give approval for the event to be held. Ken Johnston, an organizer, is hopeful that the CSD Board will give approval.
The Elk Grove Western Festival will be held on May 4-6 at Elk Grove Regional Park. The theme is “How the West Is One.” Prominent citizen Barbara Wackford, a who has an aquatic and recreation center named after her, will serve as the Grand Marshall.