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A Farewell To Teenager Gina Brinsmead From Pleasant Grove High School

A Farewell To Teenager Gina Brinsmead From Pleasant Grove High School

Over the weekend, the Pleasant Grove High School community came together to remember Gina Brinsmead, the young teenager who died two Saturdays ago, weeks after a car crash that involved four of her friends and another car in foggy weather.

After students spent the week honoring Gina by wearing her favorite colors, purple and yellow, to school, they gathered together on Saturday to remember Gina, a girl filled with passion for the arts and her friends. Around 100 family, friends, and teachers came out to celebrate her life. Pleasant Grove High School’s dance troupe performed an uplifting dance as a tribute to who Gina was while countless others recounted their fondest memories of her. They spoke warmly of the teenager and wrote messages to her family.

Though life without a soul like Gina’s will never be the same again, friends and family are comforted by her memory. Friends and the community remember Gina’s appreciation for others and life and her joy and positivity, and her father finds solace in knowing his daughter is in a happier place. He penned a handwritten letter to his daughter that ended with: “Live every moment to the fullest with gratitude and humility. Love Dadda, forever yours.”

The Elk Grove Tribune offers our heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Gina Brinsmead.

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About The Author

Lu Vue

Lu Vue is our Content Editor & Social Media Director. She is a teacher and writer. Lu taught English and writing in the inner city for most of her educational career and expresses her creativity through writing. She is passionate about students and people and telling their stories with wit and authenticity. She blogs and writes poetry and creative stories at Follow her on Instagram @thecrazedpoet for creative updates.

Elk Grove Tribune

The Elk Grove Tribune is an Elk Grove News media site which portrays local and community news, community events, and supports local businesses. Our content comes from local writers from throughout the community. We are your community Elk Grove News media site. Of, by, and for Elk Grove!

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