Four Minors Arrested For Assault & Robbery

Minors Arrested
Four minors were arrested Monday for assaulting and robbing a 12 year old.
On Friday September 28, Elk Grove Police went to the 10100 block of Black Swan Drive in East Elk Grove after receiving a call when a 12 year old was violently attacked and robbed of personal items. During this vicious attack, one of the suspects allegedly brandished a weapon and assaulted the victim.
Surveillance footage helped the Elk Grove Police to identify the suspects. The vicious attack is laid out in pictures below.
Two of the teens threw the victim to the ground off his bike.
The teen in the red shirt kicked the boy in the head.
The victim was lifted by his arms and legs.
The victim was then robbed of his possessions.
After the video was posted on social media, the Elk Grove Police Department identified and located the suspects, placing them under arrest. The four male suspects were taken into custody and remain at Sacramento Juvenile Hall. All four suspects are charged with robbery, as well as conspiracy. In addition, one of the juveniles was charged with assault with a deadly weapon. The names of the suspects are not being released because they are minors.