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Mask Mandate Lifted In Sacramento County, With Caveats

Mask Mandate Lifted In Sacramento County, With Caveats

On February 16, 2022, the order for everyone in Sacramento County to wear face coverings indoors was lifted. This mandate had been in effect since July 29, 2021. However, there are still caveats to this new health order. Face coverings are still required in specific settings, like schools and public transit.

Lifting Of Face Covering Mandate

Those in Sacramento County are no longer required to wear face coverings indoors unless they are in specified locations.

“Individuals should continue to follow all California Department of Public Health (CDPH) guidance and requirements and are reminded that CDPH continues to require face coverings in specific settings throughout California, including public transit, indoors in K12 schools and childcare, emergency shelters and cooling/heating centers, healthcare settings, State and local correctional facilities and detention centers, homeless shelters, and long term care setting and adult and senior care facilities.”

Olivia Kasirye, Health Officer of the County of Sacramento

But depending on circumstances regarding COVID-19, face-covering mandates can be reissued. Read more regarding this new health order here.


Huntington Learning Center

Virtual Meetings Are No Longer Required

Furthermore, the county’s Health Officer is rescinding the mandate on holding public meetings remotely. Public meetings can now be held in person. But, workplaces are still ordered to follow the Cal/OSHA COVID-19 guidelines. Virtual meetings can still be held if employers choose to hold them. Read more about the health order regarding public meetings here.

Huntington Learning Center

EGUSD Responds To New Health Order

EGUSD’s Superintendent Christopher Hoffman issued a letter to parents of Elk Grove Unified School District. The letter states that students are required to wear masks while indoors, but can take them off while outside. Hoffman realizes that there are varying opinions about the health order and the mask mandate. However, the schools must follow health guidelines to stop the spread of COVID-19.

From The Superintendent

“Currently in our schools, students and staff have the choice to not mask when outdoors on school grounds, however masking remains a requirement indoors. The District continues to adhere to all of its mitigation strategies by encouraging distancing, hand washing, testing and getting vaccinated.

Please know that we are aware of the varying public opinions regarding masking and we hear you. We are required to comply with current health orders which are designed to slow the spread of the virus so we can keep our schools open. With everyone’s cooperation, we have seen consistent results by following public health guidelines. If and when guidelines change, we will adjust our practices accordingly and keep our community informed.

Our families, students and staff want children in school, learning in-person, where socialization, peer collaboration and engaged teaching and learning can take place, and that is why we are vigilant in our efforts to keep students in school.

Some school districts have closed due to the surge in cases; we do not want this to be the situation for our students and families. Face coverings are strongly recommended by public health professionals and are mandatory indoors at schools to help slow the spread of the virus.

Parents, please speak with your student/s and remind them to adhere to school rules. We support student voice and an individual’s right to express their opinion in a manner that is not disruptive to the learning of others and is appropriate for the school environment.”

Superintendent Christopher Hoffman

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About The Author

Jennifer Ip

Jennifer Ip is our Staff Writer. Jennifer is a writer and small business owner in Elk Grove. She and her husband run a dog walking business together, and she also holds a Bachelor's degree in English. She has four years of publishing experience in different areas of writing: education, marketing, and blogging. Jennifer loves a good book, homemade food, and cuddling up with her dogs.

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