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Office Assistant Arrested For Stealing Money From Elk Grove School

Office Assistant Arrested For Stealing Money From Elk Grove School

Geenel Madrid, the office assistant at an elementary school in Elk Grove, was arrested for stealing thousands of dollars from Zehnder Ranch Elementary School. Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office took her into custody last week under charges that she allegedly misappropriated funds from the school.

Sergeant Tess Deterding of Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office said of the theft, “There was some money missing from some envelopes that are used for field trip funds and things like that.”

On July 17, the school alerted the sheriff’s office about the missing money on their first week back to work. With the school resource officer and school district’s investigative efforts, the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office learned of Madrid’s alleged relation to the missing money and booked her on related charges, July 24.

The principal of Zehnder Ranch Elementary School notified parents of the investigation, and according to Elk Grove Unified School District spokesperson Xanthi Pinkerton, Madrid resigned her position.

Pinkerton said of the situation: “This news is both shocking and disappointing as it is not common. We have checks and balances in place to prevent and/or detect these types of incidents, and in this case, the system worked in detecting the fraud.”

Huntington Learning Center

The case is under review by the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office for a filing decision before Madrid’s arraignment on August 5.

Message from Principal Zehnder of Ranch Elementary School

Dear Parent/Guardian,

The purpose of this letter is to provide Zehnder Ranch Elementary School parents with background on a recent situation involving a school employee who has resigned based on allegations of misappropriating funds. This news is both shocking and disappointing as it is not common and we are cooperating with law enforcement as they complete the investigation.

Please know that we have checks and balances in place to prevent and/or detect these types of incidents, and in this case, the system worked in detecting the fraud.

We are sharing this information with you as part of our ongoing efforts to keep you informed about incidents that affect our campus. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (916) 793-3300.


Mechale Murphy
Zehnder Ranch Elementary School

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About The Author

Lu Vue

Lu Vue is our Content Editor & Social Media Director. She is a teacher and writer. Lu taught English and writing in the inner city for most of her educational career and expresses her creativity through writing. She is passionate about students and people and telling their stories with wit and authenticity. She blogs and writes poetry and creative stories at Follow her on Instagram @thecrazedpoet for creative updates.

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