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UPDATE: PG&E May Shut Off Power To 9 Northern California Counties

UPDATE: PG&E May Shut Off Power To 9 Northern California Counties


UPDATE: PG&E has announced that they intend to shut off power to the Sierra Foothills region beginning at 2:30 AM and the North Bay region beginning at 4:30 AM on Wednesday, September 25, 2019. The following counties will be affected by Wednesday’s power shut off: Butte, Napa, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sonoma, and Yuba. This could affect over 48,000 PG&E customers.

On the afternoon of Monday, September 23, 2019, PG&E may be shutting off power to nine Northern California counties. This is in response to potentially hazardous weather conditions in the area. On Monday afternoon, weather conditions are expected to be dry, hot, and windy which are concerning conditions for wildfire risk.

The nine counties that PG&E has warned that they may need to shut off power are Butte, El Dorado, Lake, Napa, Nevada, Placer, Sutter, Sonoma, and Yuba. Elk Grove Tribune spoke to a spokeswoman for PG&E in which she advised that PG&E no longer anticipates shutting off power to North Bay counties, such as Lake, Napa, and Sonoma. Nonetheless, they are going to continue to monitor the Sierra Foothills, specifically Butte, Nevada, and Yuba counties, in which a power shut off could affect approximately 21,000 residents. Additionally, they may initiate the power shut off around approximately 5:00 PM. Of course, it will depend on the state of weather conditions. If PG&E does continue with their initial plan to shut off power to all nine counties, an approximate 67,000 residents could be affected.

Power will remain off until weather conditions permit

The power will remain off until weather conditions permit and safety can be ensured. As a result, this may result in having power out for several days.

Huntington Learning Center

In the case in which the power shut-offs do occur, PG&E is prepared to provide accommodations. PG&E will open up Community Resource Centers on Tuesday, September 24, 2019, at 8:00 AM. Centers will provide amenities such as restrooms, bottled water, air conditioning, and charging stations for electronic devices. Additionally, the City of Elk Grove is serviced by SMUD. Therefore, the PG&E power shut off should not affect Elk Grove City residents. The addresses for these centers can be found below:

Auburn Gold County Fairgrounds

1273 High Street
Auburn, CA

Sierra College Grass Valley Campus

213 and 250 Sierra College Drive
Grass Valley, CA

Taylor’s Restaurant

3600 Taylor Rd.
Loomis, CA

Oroville Union High School

1674 3rd Avenue
Oroville, CA 95965

Oregon House

9185 Marysville Road
Yuba City, CA

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About The Author

Rachel Lee Perez

Rachel Lee Perez is our Contributing Staff Writer. Rachel is a two-time published author of the books Happily Ever Afterlife and Home. She is also a podcaster, paralegal, dance instructor, and passionate Elk Grove City resident. When she is not attending fun Elk Grove events, you can usually find her at home watching history documentaries, catching up on true crime podcasts, or diving into a good book.

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