Sacramento County Along With Yolo & San Joaquin Counties Directed To Stay Home

Photograph Provided by Pan American Health Organization
California Governor Gavin Newsom announced several directives for California businesses and residents Monday night to help mitigate the spread of the novel coronavirus. This Tuesday afternoon comes an even heavier directive for residents of Sacramento County and neighboring cities like Davis and Manteca to stay home.
The directive is not a legal order–it is a strong recommendation, however.
As the numbers of confirmed COVID-19 cases increase, with likely many unknown, Sacramento is urging the public to stay home unless to perform or use essential functions and services.
Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg communicated to the public via twitter: “A directive is an order by another name, and it’s crucial that we all follow it. We need to stay home so we can flatten this #coronavirus infection curve and prevent our healthcare system from being overwhelmed.” He also said: “People can still engage in all the essential functions of life, like grocery shopping, essential medical appointments, and getting outdoors for a run or a walk, as long as it’s at a safe distance from others. Life will change, but there’s no reason to panic.”
Affected Entities Throughout the Sacramento Region
Gathering restrictions in recent weeks started at 250 people and went down to 50, to 10, to all gatherings of any size being highly discouraged.
- Bars, wineries, breweries, and pubs should close. Venues that are authorized to provide off-sale beer and wine that can be consumed off-premises may remain opened.
- All gyms and health clubs are directed to close. Movie theaters too.
- There should be no in-dining at restaurants. Take out and home delivery may continue with as much social distancing as possible.
- Grocery stores are allowed to stay open and fully operational. They are encouraged to use outdoor pickup or delivery options as much as possible.
- Charitable food donations centers will stay open and fully operational.
- Workplaces and businesses should make use of telecommuting and teleconferencing for employees accordingly. Only employees who perform essential duties that require their physical presence should go to work.
- All Sacramento County schools and schools in the greater Sacramento area are closed.
- DMV offices will remain open. Seniors and other vulnerable populations are advised to not go to the DMV.
With the state asking for minimized movement from residents, creating hardship for many, the state is working towards solutions.
- Gov. Newsom issued an executive order to allow local municipalities to ban evictions through at least May 31. The state is working with housing authorities and banks to avoid foreclosures during this time. Not included in the order is relief of a tenant’s obligation to pay rent, or the landlord’s ability to recover rent that is due.
- With many people are unable to work during this time, the state is working with the Public Utilities Commission to ensure gas, phones, and internet services are not disconnected.
- The DMV announced they will not enforce expired licenses and registration for 60 days. People are urged to use online DMV services.
Essential sites as listed by Sacramento County include but are not limited to:
- Health Care Facilities
- Grocery stores
- Pharmacies
- Hardware stores/plumbers/electricians for emergency services
- Businesses that provide food, shelter, social services, and other necessities of life for economically disadvantaged or otherwise needy individuals
- Newspapers, television, radio and other media services
- Gas Stations and auto supply, auto repair, and related facilities
- Banks and related financial institutions
- Plumbers, electricians, exterminators, and others who provide services that are necessary for the safety, sanitation, and essential operation of residences
- Airlines, taxis, and other private transportation providers
From Sacramento County Health Officials Regarding COVID-19
- Sick Persons:
- Everyone should stay home if they are sick until they have had no fever, cough or other respiratory symptoms for at least 72 hours after symptoms resolve, or 7 days from when symptoms began, whichever is longer.
- Anyone who lives with someone who tests positive for COVID-19 should stay home for 14 days.
- Those with cold-like symptoms who can manage their symptoms at home with over-the-counter-drugs, should do so, regardless of whether they have a cold, the flu, or COVID-19.
- If, however, difficulty breathing and lethargy develops, or symptoms were better and then got worse, they should call their healthcare provider, or urgent care center ahead so they can prepare to take care of them.
- People should only call 911 or go to an emergency department if they believe that they are extremely sick or their life is in imminent danger. Other emergencies are still occurring, and emergency resources must be available to address all of them, not just COVID-19
- Vulnerable Populations: This guidance exempts individuals who work in essential services, such as hospital and health care workers, pharmacists, peace officers, firefighters, staff at skilled nursing facilities and residential care facilities for the elderly, and other essential workers
- Those aged 65 and older and/or those with chronic health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, heart disease, or lung diseases such as COPD, as well as those with severely weakened immune systems are at highest risk of complications.
- People at higher risk should stay home and away from gatherings of un-related individuals
- Those in the vulnerable populations can go outside (to walk the dog, go on walks or go to the park) provided they are at least six feet from others